@string{brics =	"{BRICS}"}
@string{daimi =	"Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus"}
@string{iesd  =	"Department of Computer Science, Institute
		  of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University"}
@string{rs    =	"Research Series"}
@string{ns    =	"Notes Series"}
@string{ls    =	"Lecture Series"}
@string{ds    =	"Dissertation Series"}

  author = 	 "Mosses, Peter D.",
  title = 	 "A Modular {SOS} for {ML} Concurrency
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-57",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "22~pp",
  abstract = 	 "Modularity is an important pragmatic aspect of
                  semantic descriptions. In denotational
                  semantics, the issue of modularity has received
                  much attention, and appropriate abstractions
                  have been introduced, so that definitions of
                  semantic functions may be independent of the
                  details of how computations are modelled. In
                  structural operational semantics (SOS),
                  however, this issue has largely been neglected,
                  and SOS descriptions of programming languages
                  typically exhibit rather poor modularity---for
                  instance, extending the described language may
                  entail a complete reformulation of the
                  description of the original constructs.\bibpar
                  A proposal has recently been made for a modular
                  approach to SOS, called MSOS\@. The basic
                  definitions of the Modular SOS framework are
                  recalled here, but the reader is referred to
                  other papers for a full introduction. This
                  paper focusses on illustrating the
                  applicability of Modular SOS, by using it to
                  give a description of a sublanguage of
                  Concurrent ML (CML)\@; the transition rules for
                  the purely functional constructs do not have to
                  be reformulated at all when adding references
                  and/or processes. The paper concludes by
                  comparing the MSOS description with previous
                  operational descriptions of similar
                  The reader is assumed to be familiar with
                  conventional SOS, with the concepts of
                  functional programming languages such as
                  Standard ML, and with fundamental notions of
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  author = 	 "Mosses, Peter D.",
  title = 	 "A Modular {SOS} for Action Notation",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-56",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "39~pp. Full version of paper appearing in " #
                  ns993 # ", pages 131--142",
  abstract = 	 "Modularity is an important pragmatic aspect of
                  semantic descriptions: good modularity is
                  needed to allow the reuse of existing
                  descriptions when extending or changing the
                  described language. In denotational semantics,
                  the issue of modularity has received much
                  attention, and appropriate abstractions have
                  been introduced, so that definitions of
                  semantic functions may be independent of the
                  details of how computations are modelled. In
                  structural operational semantics (SOS),
                  however, this issue has largely been neglected,
                  and SOS descriptions of programming languages
                  typically exhibit rather poor modularity; the
                  original SOS given for Action Notation (the
                  notation for the semantic entities used in
                  action semantics) suffered from the same
                  This paper recalls a recent proposal, called
                  MSOS, for obtaining a high degree of modularity
                  in SOS, and presents an MSOS description of
                  Action Notation. Due to its modularity, the
                  MSOS description pin-points some complications
                  in the design of Action Notation, and should
                  facilitate the design of an improved version of
                  the notation. It also provides a major example
                  of the applicability of the MSOS
                  The reader is assumed to be familiar with
                  conventional SOS and with the basic concepts
                  and constructs of Action Notation. The
                  description of Action Notation is formulated
                  almost entirely in {\sc Casl}, the common
                  algebraic specification language",
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  author = 	 "Mosses, Peter D.",
  title = 	 "Logical Specification of Operational
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-55",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "18~pp. Invited paper. Appears in " # lncs1683
                  # ", pages 32--49",
  abstract = 	 "Various logic-based frameworks have been
                  proposed for specifying the operational
                  semantics of programming languages and
                  concurrent systems, including inference systems
                  in the styles advocated by Plotkin and by Kahn,
                  Horn logic, equational specifications,
                  reduction systems for evaluation contexts,
                  rewriting logic, and tile logic.\bibpar
                  We consider the relationship between these
                  frameworks, and assess their respective merits
                  and drawbacks---especially with regard to the
                  modularity of specifications, which is a
                  crucial feature for scaling up to practical
                  applications. We also report on recent work
                  towards the use of the Maude system (which
                  provides an efficient implementation of
                  rewriting logic) as a meta-tool for operational
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  author = 	 "Mosses, Peter D.",
  title = 	 "Foundations of Modular {SOS}",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-54",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "17~pp. Full version of paper appearing in " #
                  lncs1672 # ", pages 70--80",
  abstract = 	 "A novel form of labelled transition system is
                  proposed, where the labels are the arrows of a
                  category, and adjacent labels in computations
                  are required to be composable. Such transition
                  systems provide the foundations for modular SOS
                  descriptions of programming languages.\bibpar
                  Three fundamental ways of transforming label
                  categories, analogous to monad transformers,
                  are provided, and it is shown that their
                  applications preserve computations in modular
                  SOS. The approach is illustrated with fragments
                  taken from a modular SOS for ML concurrency
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  author = 	 "Iversen, Torsten K. and Kristoffersen,
                  K{\aa}re J. and Larsen, Kim G. and Laursen,
                  Morten and Madsen, Rune G. and Mortensen,
                  Steffen K. and Pettersson, Paul and Thomasen,
                  Chris B.",
  title = 	 "Model-Checking Real-Time Control Programs ---
                  Verifying {LEGO} Mindstorms Systems Using
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-53",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "9~pp. Appears in " # ieeeecrts00 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "In this paper, we present a method for
                  automatic verification of real-time control
                  programs running on LEGO\textsuperscript
                  {\textcircled{\tiny R}} RCX\textsuperscript
                  {\textsf{T$\!$M}} bricks using the verification
                  tool {\sc Uppaal}. The control programs,
                  consisting of a number of tasks running
                  concurrently, are automatically translated into
                  the timed automata model of {\sc Uppaal}. The
                  fixed scheduling algorithm used by the
                  LEGO\textsuperscript{\textcircled{\tiny R}}
                  RCX\textsuperscript{\textsf{T$\!$M}} processor
                  is modeled in {\sc Uppaal}, and supply of
                  similar (sufficient) timed automata models for
                  the environment allows analysis of the overall
                  real-time system using the tools of {\sc
                  Uppaal}. To illustrate our techniques we have
                  constructed, modeled and verified a machine for
                  sorting LEGO\textsuperscript{\textcircled{\tiny
                  R}} bricks by color",
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  author = 	 "Henriksen, Jesper G. and Mukund, Madhavan and
                  Narayan Kumar, K. and Thiagarajan, P. S.",
  title = 	 "Towards a Theory of Regular {MSC} Languages",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-52",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "43~pp",
  abstract = 	 "Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) are an
                  attractive visual formalism widely used to
                  capture system requirements during the early
                  design stages in domains such as
                  telecommunication software. It is fruitful to
                  have mechanisms for specifying and reasoning
                  about collections of MSCs so that errors can be
                  detected even at the requirements level. We
                  propose, accordingly, a notion of {\em
                  regularity} for collections of MSCs and explore
                  its basic properties. In particular, we provide
                  an automata-theoretic characterization of
                  regular MSC languages in terms of finite-state
                  distributed automata called bounded
                  message-passing automata. These automata
                  consist of a set of sequential processes that
                  communicate with each other by sending and
                  receiving messages over bounded FIFO channels.
                  We also provide a logical characterization in
                  terms of a natural monadic second-order logic
                  interpreted over MSCs.\bibpar
                  A commonly used technique to generate a
                  collection of MSCs is to use a Message Sequence
                  Graph (MSG). We show that the class of
                  languages arising from the so-called locally synchronized
                  MSGs constitute a proper subclass of the
                  languages which are regular in our sense. In
                  fact, we characterize the locally synchronized MSG languages
                  as the subclass of regular MSC languages that
                  are {\em finitely generated}",
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  author =	 "Danvy, Olivier",
  title =	 "Formalizing Implementation Strategies for
                  First-Class Continuations",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 1999,
  type =	 rs,
  number =	 "RS-99-51",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 dec,
  note =	 "16~pp. Appears in " # lncs1782 # "pp. 88--103",
  abstract =	 "We present the first formalization of implementation
                  strategies for first-class continuations. The
                  formalization hinges on abstract machines for
                  continuation-passing style (CPS) programs with a
                  special treatment for the current continuation,
                  accounting for the essence of first-class
                  continuations. These abstract machines are proven
                  equivalent to a standard, substitution-based
                  abstract machine. The proof techniques work
                  uniformly for various representations of
                  continuations. As a byproduct, we also present a
                  formal proof of the two folklore theorems that one
                  continuation identifier is enough for second-class
                  continuations and that second-class continuations
                  are stackable.\bibpar A large body of work exists on
                  implementing continuations, but it is predominantly
                  empirical and implementation-oriented. In contrast,
                  our formalization abstracts the essence of
                  first-class continuations and provides a uniform
                  setting for specifying and formalizing their
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  author =	 "Brodal, Gerth St{\o}lting and Venkatesh, Srinivasan",
  title =	 "Improved Bounds for Dictionary Look-up with One
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 1999,
  type =	 rs,
  number =	 "RS-99-50",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 dec,
  note =	 "5~pp. Appears in {\em Information Processing
                  Letters} 75(1--2):57--59, 2000",
  keywords =	 "Data Structures, Dictionaries, Hashing, Hamming
  abstract =	 "Given a dictionary $S$ of $n$ binary strings each of
                  length $m$, we consider the problem of designing a
                  data structure for $S$ that supports
                  $d$-\emph{queries}; given a binary query string $q$
                  of length~$m$, a $d$-query reports if there exists a
                  string in $S$ within Hamming distance~$d$ of~$q$. We
                  construct a data structure for the case $d=1$, that
                  requires space $O(n\log m)$ and has query time
                  $O(1)$ in a cell~probe model with word size
                  $m$. This generalizes and improves the previous
                  bounds of Yao and Yao for the problem in the
                  bit~probe model",
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  author = 	 "Ageev, Alexander A. and Sviridenko, Maxim I.",
  title = 	 "An Approximation Algorithm for Hypergraph Max
                  $k$-Cut with Given Sizes of Parts",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-49",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "12~pp. Appears in " # lncs1879 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "In this paper we demonstrate that the pipage
                  rounding technique can be applied to the
                  Hypergraph Max $k$-Cut problem with given sizes
                  of parts. We present a polynomial time
                  approximation algorithm and prove that its
                  performance guarantee is tight",
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  author = 	 "Pagh, Rasmus",
  title = 	 "Faster Deterministic Dictionaries",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-48",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "14~pp. Appears in " # acmsoda00 # ", pages
                  487--493. Journal version in {\em Journal of
                  Algorithms}, 41(1):69--85, 2001, with the title
                  {\em Deterministic Dictionaries}",
  abstract = 	 "We consider static dictionaries over the
                  universe $U=\{0,1\}^w$ on a unit-cost RAM with
                  word size $w$. Construction of a static
                  dictionary with linear space consumption and
                  constant lookup time can be done in linear
                  expected time by a randomized algorithm. In
                  contrast, the best previous deterministic
                  algorithm for constructing such a dictionary
                  with $n$ elements runs in time $O(n^{1+\epsilon
                  })$ for $\epsilon>0$. This paper narrows the
                  gap between deterministic and randomized
                  algorithms exponentially, from the factor of
                  $n^\epsilon$ to an $O(\log n)$ factor. The
                  algorithm is weakly non-uniform, i.e. requires
                  certain precomputed constants dependent on $w$.
                  A by-product of the result is a lookup time vs
                  insertion time trade-off for dynamic
                  dictionaries, which is optimal for a realistic
                  class of deterministic hashing schemes.",
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  author = 	 "Miltersen, Peter Bro and Variyam,
                  Vinodchandran N.",
  title = 	 "Derandomizing {A}rthur-{M}erlin Games using
                  Hitting Sets",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-47",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "21~pp. Appears in " # ieeefocs99 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "We prove that {\rm\bf AM} (and hence Graph
                  Nonisomorphism) is in {\rm\bf NP} if for some
                  $\epsilon>0$, some language in {\rm\bf NE}
                  $\cap$ {\rm\bf coNE} requires nondeterministic
                  circuits of size $2^{\epsilon n}$. This
                  improves recent results of Arvind and
                  K{\"o}bler and of Klivans and Van Melkebeek who
                  proved the same conclusion, but under stronger
                  hardness assumptions, namely, either the
                  existence of a language in {\rm\bf NE} $\cap$
                  {\rm\bf coNE} which cannot be {\em
                  approximated} by nondeterministic circuits of
                  size less than $2^{\epsilon n}$ or the
                  existence of a language in {\rm\bf NE} $\cap$
                  {\rm\bf coNE} which requires {\em oracle
                  circuits} of size $2^{\epsilon n}$ with oracle
                  gates for {\rm SAT} (satisfiability).\bibpar
                  The previous results on derandomizing {\rm\bf
                  AM} were based on pseudorandom generators. In
                  contrast, our approach is based on a
                  strengthening of Andreev, Clementi and Rolim's
                  hitting set approach to derandomization. As a
                  spin-off, we show that this approach is strong
                  enough to give an easy (if the existence of
                  explicit dispersers can be assumed known) proof
                  of the following implication: For some
                  $\epsilon>0$, if there is a language in {\bf E}
                  which requires nondeterministic circuits of
                  size $2^{\epsilon n}$, then {\rm\bf P}={\rm\bf
                  BPP}. This differs from Impagliazzo and
                  Wigderson's theorem ``only'' by replacing
                  deterministic circuits with nondeterministic
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  author = 	 "Miltersen, Peter Bro and Variyam,
                  Vinodchandran N. and Watanabe, Osamu",
  title = 	 "Super-Polynomial Versus Half-Exponential
                  Circuit Size in the Exponential Hierarchy",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-46",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "14~pp. Appears in " # lncs1627 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "Lower bounds on circuit size were previously
                  established for functions in $\Sigma_2^p$,
                  ${\mbox{\rm ZPP}}^{\mbox{\rm\scriptsize NP}}$,
                  ${{\Sigma^{\mbox{\rm\small exp}}_2}}$, ${{\mbox
                  {\rm ZPEXP}}^{\mbox{\rm\scriptsize NP}}}$ and
                  ${{\mbox{\rm MA}}_{\mbox{\rm\small exp}}}$. We
                  investigate the general question: Given a time
                  bound $f(n)$. What is the best circuit size
                  lower bound that can be shown for the classes
                  ${\mbox{{\rm MA-TIME}}}[f]$, ${\mbox{\rm
                  ZP-TIME}}^ {\mbox{\rm\scriptsize NP}}[f],
                  \ldots$ using the techniques currently known?
                  For the classes ${{\mbox{\rm MA}}_{\mbox{\rm
                  \small exp}}}$, ${{\mbox{\rm ZPEXP}}^{\mbox{\rm
                  \scriptsize NP}}}$ and ${{\Sigma^{\mbox{\rm
                  \small exp}}_2}}$, the answer we get is
                  ``half-exponential''. Informally, a function
                  $f$ is said to be half-exponential if $f$
                  composed with itself is exponential",
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  author = 	 "Amtoft, Torben",
  title = 	 "Partial Evaluation for Constraint-Based
                  Program Analyses",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-45",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "13~pp",
  abstract = 	 "We report on a case study in the application
                  of partial evaluation, initiated by the desire
                  to speed up a constraint-based algorithm for
                  control-flow analysis. We designed and
                  implemented a dedicated partial evaluator, able
                  to specialize the analysis wrt.\ a given
                  constraint graph and thus remove the
                  interpretive overhead, and measured it with
                  Feeley's Scheme benchmarks. Even though the
                  gain turned out to be pretty limited, our
                  investigation yielded valuable feed back in
                  that it provided a better understanding of the
                  analysis, leading us to (re)invent an
                  incremental version. We believe this phenomenon
                  to be a quite frequent spin-off from using
                  partial evaluation, since the removal of
                  interpretive overhead will make the flow of
                  control more explicit and hence pinpoint the
                  sources of inefficiency. Finally, we observed
                  that partial evaluation in our case yields such
                  regular, low-level specialized programs that it
                  begs for runtime code generation",
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  author = 	 "Nestmann, Uwe and H{\"u}ttel, Hans and Kleist,
                  Josva and Merro, Massimo",
  title = 	 "Aliasing Models for Mobile Objects",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-44",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "ii+46~pp. Appears in {\em Information and
                  Computation} 172:1--31, 2002. An extended
                  abstract of this revision, entitled {\em
                  Aliasing Models for Object Migration}, appeared
                  as Distinguished Paper in " # lncs1685 # ",
                  pages 1353--1368, which in turn is a revised
                  part of another paper called {\em Migration =
                  Cloning ; Aliasing} that appeared in " # fool6
                  # " and as such supersedes the corresponding
                  part of the earlier BRICS report RS-98-33",
  abstract = 	 "In Obliq, a lexically scoped, distributed,
                  object-oriented programming language, object
                  migration was suggested as the creation of a
                  copy of an object's state at the target site,
                  followed by turning the object itself into an
                  alias, also called {\em surrogate}, for the
                  remote copy. We consider the creation of object
                  surrogates as an abstraction of the
                  above-mentioned style of migration. We
                  introduce {\O}jeblik, a typed distribution-free
                  subset of Obliq, and provide four different
                  configuration-style semantics, which only
                  differ in the respective {\em aliasing model}.
                  We show that two of the semantics, one of which
                  matches Obliq's implementation, render
                  migration unsafe, while our new proposal allows
                  for safe migration at least for a large class
                  of program contexts. In addition, we propose a
                  type system that allows a programmer to
                  statically guarantee that programs belong to
                  that class. Our work suggests a straightforward
                  repair of Obliq's aliasing model",
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  author = 	 "Nestmann, Uwe",
  title = 	 "What is a `Good' Encoding of Guarded Choice?",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-43",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "ii+34~pp. Appears in {\em Information and
                  Computation}, 156:287--319, 2000. This revised
                  report supersedes the earlier BRICS report
  abstract = 	 "We study two encodings of the {\em
                  asynchronous $\pi$-calculus} with {\em
                  input-guarded choice} into its choice-free
                  fragment. One encoding is divergence-free, but
                  refines the atomic commitment of choice into
                  gradual commitment. The other preserves
                  atomicity, but introduces divergence. The
                  divergent encoding is fully abstract with
                  respect to weak bisimulation, but the more
                  natural divergence-free encoding is not.
                  Instead, we show that it is fully abstract with
                  respect to {\it coupled simulation}, a slightly
                  coarser---but still coinductively
                  defined---equivalence that does not enforce
                  bisimilarity of internal branching decisions.
                  The correctness proofs for the two choice
                  encodings introduce a novel proof technique
                  exploiting the properties of explicit {\em
                  decodings} from translations to source terms.",
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  author = 	 "Nestmann, Uwe and Pierce, Benjamin C.",
  title = 	 "Decoding Choice Encodings",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-42",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "ii+62~pp. Appears in {\em Journal of
                  Information and Computation}, 163:1--59, 2000.
                  An extended abstract appeared in " # lncs1119 #
                  ", pages 179--194",
  abstract = 	 "We study two encodings of the {\em
                  asynchronous $\pi$-calculus} with {\em
                  input-guarded choice} into its choice-free
                  fragment. One encoding is divergence-free, but
                  refines the atomic commitment of choice into
                  gradual commitment. The other preserves
                  atomicity, but introduces divergence. The
                  divergent encoding is fully abstract with
                  respect to weak bisimulation, but the more
                  natural divergence-free encoding is not.
                  Instead, we show that it is fully abstract with
                  respect to {\it coupled simulation}, a slightly
                  coarser---but still coinductively
                  defined---equivalence that does not enforce
                  bisimilarity of internal branching decisions.
                  The correctness proofs for the two choice
                  encodings introduce a novel proof technique
                  exploiting the properties of explicit {\em
                  decodings} from translations to source terms.
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  author = 	 "Bodentien, Nicky O. and Vestergaard, Jacob and
                  Friis, Jakob and Kristoffersen, K{\aa}re J. and
                  Larsen, Kim G.",
  title = 	 "Verification of State/Event Systems by
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-41",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "17~pp. Presented at {\em Nordic Workshop in
                  Programming Theory}, Uppsala, Sweden, October
                  6--8, 1999",
  abstract = 	 "A rather new approach towards compositional
                  verification of concurrent systems is the
                  quotient technique, where components are
                  gradually removed from the concurrent system
                  while transforming the specification
                  accordingly. When the intermediate
                  specifications can be kept small, the state
                  explosion problem is avoided and there are
                  already promising experimental results for
                  systems with an interleaving semantics,
                  including real-time systems. This paper extends
                  the quotienting approach to deal with a
                  synchronous framework in the shape of
                  state/event systems with acyclic dependencies.
                  A state/event system is a concurrent system
                  with a set of interdependent components
                  operating synchronously according to stimuli
                  provided by an environment. We introduce Left
                  Restricting state/event systems as a key notion
                  for state/event systems with acyclic
                  dependencies. Two families of modal logics,
                  $\mathcal{L}$ and $\mathcal{M}$, specifically
                  designed for expressing reachability properties
                  of dependency closed and not dependency closed
                  subsystems are introduced. Two quotient
                  constructions for moving components from
                  dependency closed and not dependency closed
                  subsystems into the specification are presented
                  and their correctness are justified in a formal
                  proof. Furthermore, heuristics for minimizing
                  formulae are proposed and the techniques are
                  demonstrated on a Duplo train example",
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  author = 	 "Grobauer, Bernd and Yang, Zhe",
  title = 	 "The Second {F}utamura Projection for
                  Type-Directed Partial Evaluation",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-40",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note = 	 "44~pp. Extended version of an article
                  appearing in " # acmpepm00 # ", pages 22--32. A
                  revised and extended version appears in {\em
                  Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation}
                  14(2--3):173--219 (2001) and " # alsoasrs #
  abstract = 	 "A generating extension of a program
                  specializes it with respect to some specified
                  part of the input. A generating extension of a
                  program can be formed trivially by applying a
                  partial evaluator to the program; the second
                  Futamura projection describes the automatic
                  generation of non-trivial generating extensions
                  by applying a partial evaluator to itself with
                  respect to the programs.
                  We derive an ML implementation of the second
                  Futamura projection for Type-Directed Partial
                  Evaluation (TDPE). Due to the differences
                  between `traditional', syntax-directed partial
                  evaluation and TDPE, this derivation involves
                  several conceptual and technical steps. These
                  include a suitable formulation of the second
                  Futamura projection and techniques for making
                  TDPE amenable to self-application. In the
                  context of the second Futamura projection, we
                  also compare and relate TDPE with conventional
                  offline partial evaluation.
                  We demonstrate our technique with several
                  examples, including compiler generation for
                  Tiny, a prototypical imperative language.",
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  author = 	 "Rizzi, Romeo",
  title = 	 "On the {S}teiner Tree $\frac
                  {3}{2}$-Approximation for Quasi-Bipartite
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-39",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note = 	 "6~pp",
  keywords = 	 "{S}teiner tree, local search, approximation
                  algorithm, bit scaling",
  abstract = 	 "Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected simple graph
                  and $w:E\mapsto{\rm I\!R}_+$ be a non-negative
                  weighting of the edges of $G$. Assume $V$ is
                  partitioned as $R\cup X$. A {\em Steiner tree}
                  is any tree $T$ of $G$ such that every node in
                  $R$ is incident with at least one edge of $T$.
                  The {\em metric Steiner tree problem} asks for
                  a Steiner tree of minimum weight, given that
                  $w$ is a metric. When $X$ is a stable set of
                  $G$, then $(G,R,X)$ is called {\em
                  quasi-bipartite}. In a SODA~'99 paper,
                  Rajagopalan and Vazirani introduced the notion
                  of quasi-bipartiteness and gave a $(\frac
                  {3}{2}+\epsilon)$ approximation algorithm for
                  the metric Steiner tree problem, when $(G,R,X)$
                  is quasi-bipartite. In this paper, we simplify
                  and strengthen the result of Rajagopalan and
                  Vazirani. We also show how classical bit
                  scaling techniques can be adapted to the design
                  of approximation algorithms",
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  author = 	 "Rizzi, Romeo",
  title = 	 "Linear Time Recognition of $P_4$-Indifferent
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-38",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note = 	 "11~pp. Appears in {\em Discrete Mathematics},
                  239(1--3):161--169, 2001",
  keywords = 	 "$P_4$-indifference, linear time, recognition
                  modular decomposition",
  abstract = 	 "A simple graph is $P_4${\em-indifferent} if it
                  admits a total order $<$ on its nodes such that
                  every chordless path with nodes $a,b,c,d$ and
                  edges $ab,bc,cd$ has $ab>c>d$.
                  $P_4$-indifferent graphs generalize indifferent
                  graphs and are perfectly orderable. Recently,
                  Ho{\`a}ng, Maffray and Noy gave a
                  characterization of $P_4$-indifferent graphs in
                  terms of forbidden induced subgraphs. We
                  clarify their proof and describe a linear time
                  algorithm to recognize $P_4$-indifferent
                  graphs. When the input is a $P_4$-indifferent
                  graph, then the algorithm computes an order $<$
                  as above",
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  author = 	 "Jord{\'a}n, Tibor",
  title = 	 "Constrained Edge-Splitting Problems",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-37",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note = 	 "23~pp. A preliminary version with the title
                  {\em Edge-Splitting Problems with Demands}
                  appeared in " # lncs1610 # ", pages 273--288",
  abstract = 	 "Splitting off two edges $su, sv$ in a graph
                  $G$ means deleting $su,sv$ and adding a new
                  edge $uv$. Let $G=(V+s,E)$ be
                  $k$-edge-connected in $V$ ($k\geq 2$) and let
                  $d(s)$ be even. Lov{\'a}sz proved that the
                  edges incident to $s$ can be split off in pairs
                  in a such a way that the resulting graph on
                  vertex set $V$ is $k$-edge-connected. In this
                  paper we investigate the existence of such
                  complete splitting sequences when the set of
                  split edges has to meet additional
                  requirements. We prove structural properties of
                  the set of those pairs $u,v$ of neighbours of
                  $s$ for which splitting off $su,sv$ destroys
                  $k$-edge-connectivity. This leads to a new
                  method for solving problems of this
                  By applying this method we obtain a short proof
                  for a recent result of Nagamochi and Eades on
                  planarity-preserving complete splitting
                  sequences and prove the following new results:
                  let $G$ and $H$ be two graphs on the same set
                  $V+s$ of vertices and suppose that their sets
                  of edges incident to $s$ coincide. Let $G$
                  ($H$) be $k$-edge-connected
                  ($l$-edge-connected, respectively) in $V$ and
                  let $d(s)$ be even. Then there exists a pair
                  $su,sv$ which can be split off in both graphs
                  preserving $k$-edge-connectivity
                  ($l$-edge-connectivity, resp.) in $V$, provided
                  $d(s)\geq 6$. If $k$ and $l$ are both even then
                  such a pair always exists. Using these
                  edge-splitting results and the polymatroid
                  intersection theorem we give a polynomial
                  algorithm for the problem of simultaneously
                  augmenting the edge-connectivity of two graphs
                  by adding a (common) set of new edges of
                  (almost) minimum size",
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  author = 	 "Cattani, Gian Luca and Winskel, Glynn",
  title = 	 "Presheaf Models for {\bf CCS}-like Languages",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-36",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note = 	 "ii+46~pp",
  abstract = 	 "The aim of this paper is to harness the
                  mathematical machinery around presheaves for
                  the purposes of process calculi. Joyal, Nielsen
                  and Winskel proposed a general definition of
                  bisimulation from open maps. Here we show that
                  open-map bisimulations within a range of
                  presheaf models are congruences for a general
                  process language, in which {CCS} and related
                  languages are easily encoded. The results are
                  then transferred to traditional models for
                  processes. By first establishing the congruence
                  results for presheaf models, abstract, general
                  proofs of congruence properties can be provided
                  and the awkwardness caused through traditional
                  models not always possessing the cartesian
                  liftings, used in the break-down of process
                  operations, are side-stepped. The abstract
                  results are applied to show that hereditary
                  history-preserving bisimulation is a congruence
                  for {CCS}-like languages to which is added a
                  refinement operator on event structures as
                  proposed by van Glabbeek and Goltz",
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  author = 	 "Jord{\'a}n, Tibor and Szigeti, Zolt{\'a}n",
  title = 	 "Detachments Preserving Local Edge-Connectivity
                  of Graphs",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-35",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note = 	 "16~pp",
  abstract = 	 "Let $G=(V+s,E)$ be a graph and let ${\cal
                  S}=(d_1,...,d_p)$ be a set of positive integers
                  with $\sum d_j=d(s)$. An $\cal S$-detachment
                  splits $s$ into a set of $p$ independent
                  vertices $s_1,...,s_p$ with $d(s_j)=d_j$,
                  $1\leq j\leq p$. Given a requirement function
                  $r(u,v)$ on pairs of vertices of $V$, an $\cal
                  S$-detachment is called $r$-admissible if the
                  detached graph $G'$ satisfies $\lambda_
                  {G'}(x,y)\geq r(x,y)$ for every pair $x,y\in
                  V$. Here $\lambda_H(u,v)$ denotes the local
                  edge-connectivity between $u$ and $v$ in graph
                  We prove that an $r$-admissible $\cal
                  S$-detachment exists if and only if (a)
                  $\lambda_G(x,y)\geq r(x,y)$, and (b) $\lambda_
                  {G-s}(x,y)\geq r(x,y)-\sum\lfloor d_j/2 \rfloor
                  $ hold for every $x,y\in V$.\bibpar
                  The special case of this characterization when
                  $r(x,y)=\lambda_G(x,y)$ for each pair in $V$
                  was conjectured by B.~Fleiner. Our result is a
                  common generalization of a theorem of W.~Mader
                  on edge splittings preserving local
                  edge-connectivity and a result of B.~Fleiner on
                  detachments preserving global
                  edge-connectivity. Other corollaries include
                  previous results of L.~Lov{\'a}sz and
                  C.~J.~St.~A. Nash-Williams on edge splittings
                  and detachments, respectively. As a new
                  application, we extend a theorem of A.~Frank on
                  local edge-connectivity augmentation to the
                  case when stars of given degrees are added",
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  author = 	 "Rodler, Flemming Friche",
  title = 	 "Wavelet Based {3D} Compression for Very Large
                  Volume Data Supporting Fast Random Access",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-34",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 oct,
  note = 	 "36~pp. Extended version of paper appearing in
                  " # ieeepg99 # ", pages 108--117",
  abstract = 	 "We propose a wavelet based method for
                  compressing volume\-tric data with little loss
                  in quality. The method supports fast random
                  access to individual voxels within the
                  compressed volume. Such a method is important
                  since storing and visualising very large
                  volumes impose heavy demands on internal memory
                  and external storage facilities making it
                  accessible only to users with huge and
                  expensive computers. This problem is not likely
                  to become less in the future. Experimental
                  results on the CT dataset of the Visible Human
                  have shown that our method provides very high
                  compression rates with fairly fast random
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  author = 	 "Aceto, Luca and {\'E}sik, Zolt{\'a}n and
                  Ing{\'o}lfsd{\'o}ttir, Anna",
  title = 	 "The Max-Plus Algebra of the Natural Numbers
                  has no Finite Equational Basis",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-33",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 oct,
  note = 	 "25~pp. A revised version of this paper appears
                  {\em Theoretical Computer Science}
                  293(1):169--188, 17 January 2003.",
  keywords = 	 "Equational logic, varieties, complete
                  axiomatisations, exponential time complexity",
  abstract = 	 "This paper shows that the collection of
                  identities which hold in the algebra {\bf N} of
                  the natural numbers with constant zero, and
                  binary operations of sum and maximum is not
                  finitely based. Moreover, it is proven that,
                  for every $n$, the equations in at most $n$
                  variables that hold in {\bf N} do not form an
                  equational basis. As a stepping stone in the
                  proof of these facts, several results of
                  independent interest are obtained. In
                  particular, explicit descriptions of the free
                  algebras in the variety generated by {\bf N}
                  are offered. Such descriptions are based upon a
                  geometric characterisation of the equations
                  that hold in {\bf N}, which also yields that
                  the equational theory of {\bf N} is decidable
                  in exponential time",
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  author = 	 "Aceto, Luca and Laroussinie, Fran{\c c}ois",
  title = 	 "Is your Model Checker on Time? --- On the
                  Complexity of Model Checking for Timed Modal
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-32",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 oct,
  note = 	 "11~pp. Appears in " # lncs1672 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "This paper studies the structural complexity
                  of model checking for (variations on) the
                  specification formalisms used in the tools CMC
                  and {\sc Uppaal}, and fragments of a timed
                  alternation-free $\mu$-calculus. For each of
                  the logics we study, we characterize the
                  computational complexity of model checking, as
                  well as its specification and program
                  complexity, using timed automata as our system
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  author = 	 "Kohlenbach, Ulrich",
  title = 	 "Foundational and Mathematical Uses of Higher
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-31",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "34~pp. A revised version appears in W.~Sieg et
                  al. (eds.), {\em Reflections on the Foundations
                  of Mathematics}. Essays in Honor of Solomon
                  Feferman, Lecture Notes in Logic 15, A. K.
                  Peters, Ltd., pp.\ 92--116, 2002.",
  abstract = 	 "In this paper we develop mathematically strong
                  systems of analysis in higher types which,
                  nevertheless, are proof-theoretically weak,
                   conservative over elementary resp.
                  primitive recursive arithmetic. These systems
                  are based on non-collapsing hierarchies
                  $(\Phi_n$-WKL$_+, \ \Psi_n$-WKL$_+)$ of
                  principles which generalize (and for $n=0$
                  coincide with) the so-called `weak' K{\"o}nig's
                  lemma WKL (which has been studied extensively
                  in the context of second order arithmetic) to
                  logically more complex tree predicates. Whereas
                  the second order context used in the program of
                  reverse mathematics requires an encoding of
                  higher analytical concepts like continuous
                  functions $F:X\rightarrow Y$ between Polish
                  spaces $X,Y$, the more flexible language of our
                  systems allows to treat such objects directly.
                  This is of relevance as the encoding of $F$
                  used in reverse mathematics tacitly yields a
                  constructively enriched notion of continuous
                  functions which e.g. for $F:{\mathord{\rm
                  I\mkern-3.1mu N}}^{{\mathord{\rm I\mkern-3.1mu
                  N}}}\rightarrow{\mathord{\rm I\mkern-3.1mu N}}$
                  can be seen (in our higher order context) to be
                  equivalent to the existence of a continuous
                  modulus of pointwise continuity. For the direct
                  representation of $F$ the existence of such a
                  modulus is independent even of full arithmetic
                  in all finite types E-PA$^{\omega}$ plus
                  quantifier-free choice, as we show using a
                  priority construction due to L. Harrington. The
                  usual WKL-based proofs of properties of $F$
                  given in reverse mathematics make use of the
                  enrichment provided by codes of $F$, and WKL
                  does not seem to be sufficient to obtain
                  similar results for the direct representation
                  of $F$ in our setting. However, it turns out
                  that $\Psi_1$-WKL$_+$ {\bf is} sufficient. \\
                  Our conservation results for $(\Phi_n$-WKL$_+,
                   \Psi_n$-WKL$_+)$ are proved via a new
                  elimination result for a strong non-standard
                  principle of uniform $\Sigma^0_1$-boundedness
                  which we introduced in 1996 and which implies
                  the WKL-extensions studied in this paper",
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  author = 	 "Aceto, Luca and Fokkink, Willem Jan and
                  Verhoef, Chris",
  title = 	 "Structural Operational Semantics",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-30",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "128~pp. Appears in " # ehpa # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "This paper offers an overview of the current
                  state of the development of the theory of
                  Structural Operational Semantics (SOS), with
                  emphasis on its applications to process
                  algebra. It focuses on five aspects of SOS,
                  viz.~the meaning of Transition System
                  Specifications (TSSs) with predicates and
                  negative premises, conservative extension
                  results for TSSs, congruence formats,
                  many-sorted higher-order extensions and
                  connections with denotational semantics",
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  author = 	 "Riis, S{\o}ren",
  title = 	 "A Complexity Gap for Tree-Resolution",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-29",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "33~pp",
  keywords = 	 "Logical aspects of Complexity, Propositional
                  proof complexity, Resolution proofs",
  abstract = 	 "It is shown that any sequence $\psi_n$ of
                  tautologies which expresses the validity of a
                  fixed combinatorial principle either is
                  ``easy'' i.e. has polynomial size
                  tree-resolution proofs or is ``difficult'' i.e
                  requires exponential size tree-resolution
                  proofs. It is shown that the class of
                  tautologies which are hard (for
                  tree-resolution) is identical to the class of
                  tautologies which are based on combinatorial
                  principles which are violated for infinite
                  sets. Actually it is shown that the
                  gap-phenomena is valid for tautologies based on
                  infinite mathematical theories (i.e.\ not just
                  based on a single proposition). \bibpar
                  We clarify the link between translating
                  combinatorial principles (or more general
                  statements from predicate logic) and the recent
                  idea of using the symmetrical group to generate
                  problems of propositional logic. \bibpar
                  Finally, we show that is undecidable whether a
                  sequence $\psi_n$ (of the kind we consider) has
                  polynomial size tree-resolution proofs or
                  requires exponential size tree-resolution
                  proofs. Also we show that the degree of the
                  polynomial in the polynomial size (in case it
                  exists) is non-recursive, but semi-decidable.",
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  author = 	 "Hildebrandt, Thomas Troels",
  title = 	 "A Fully Abstract Presheaf Semantics of {SCCS}
                  with Finite Delay",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-28",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "37~pp. Appears in " # entcsctcs99 # ", 25~pp",
  abstract = 	 "We present a presheaf model for the
                  observation of {\em infinite} as well as finite
                  computations. We apply it to give a {\em
                  denotational} semantics of SCCS with finite
                  delay, in which the meanings of recursion are
                  given by {\em final} coalgebras and meanings of
                  finite delay by {\em initial} algebras of the
                  process equations for delay. This can be viewed
                  as a first step in representing {\em fairness}
                  in presheaf semantics. We give a concrete
                  representation of the presheaf model as a
                  category of {\em generalised synchronisation
                  trees} and show that it is coreflective in a
                  category of {\em generalised transition
                  systems}, which are a special case of the
                  general transition systems of Hennessy and
                  Stirling. The open map bisimulation is shown to
                  coincide with the {\em extended bisimulation}
                  of Hennessy and Stirling. Finally we formulate
                  Milners operational semantics of SCCS with
                  finite delay in terms of generalised transition
                  systems and prove that the presheaf semantics
                  is {\em fully abstract} with respect to
                  extended bisimulation",
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  author = 	 "Danvy, Olivier and Schultz, Ulrik P.",
  title = 	 "Lambda-Dropping: Transforming Recursive
                  Equations into Programs with Block Structure",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-27",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "57~pp. Appears in {\em Theoretical Computer
                  Science}, 248(1--2):243--287, November 2000.
                  This revised report supersedes the earlier
                  BRICS report RS-98-54",
  abstract = 	 "Lambda-lifting a block-structured program
                  transforms it into a set of recursive
                  equations. We present the symmetric
                  transformation: lambda-dropping.
                  Lambda-dropping a set of recursive equations
                  restores block structure and lexical
                  For lack of block structure and lexical scope,
                  recursive equations must carry around all the
                  parameters that any of their callees might
                  possibly need. Both lambda-lifting and
                  lambda-dropping thus require one to compute
                  Def/Use paths: 
                  \item for lambda-lifting: each of the functions
                    occurring in the path of a free variable is
                    passed this variable as a parameter;
                  \item for lambda-dropping: parameters which are
                    used in the same scope as their definition do
                    not need to be passed along in their path. 
                  A program whose blocks have no free variables
                  is scope-insensitive. Its blocks are then free
                  to float (for lambda-lifting) or to sink (for
                  lambda-dropping) along the vertices of the
                  scope tree. \bibpar
                  Our primary application is partial evaluation.
                  Indeed, many partial evaluators for procedural
                  programs operate on recursive equations. To
                  this end, they lambda-lift source programs in a
                  pre-processing phase. But often, partial
                  evaluators [automatically] produce residual
                  recursive equations with dozens of parameters,
                  which most compilers do not handle efficiently.
                  We solve this critical problem by
                  lambda-dropping residual programs in a
                  post-processing phase, which significantly
                  improves both their compile time and their run
                  time. \bibpar
                  Lambda-lifting has been presented as an
                  intermediate transformation in compilers for
                  functional languages. We study lambda-lifting
                  and lambda-dropping per se, though
                  lambda-dropping also has a use as an
                  intermediate transformation in a compiler: we
                  noticed that lambda-drop\-ping a program
                  corresponds to transforming it into the
                  functional representation of its optimal SSA
                  form. This observation actually led us to
                  substantially improve our PEPM~'97 presentation
                  of lambda-dropping",
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  author = 	 "Henriksen, Jesper G.",
  title = 	 "An Expressive Extension of {TLC}",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-26",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "20~pp. Appears in {\em International Journal
                  of Foundations of Computer Science},
                  13(3):341--360, 2002. Conference version in " #
                  lncs1742 # ", pages 126--138",
  abstract = 	 "A temporal logic of causality (TLC) was
                  introduced by Alur, Penczek and Peled. It is
                  basically a linear time temporal logic
                  interpreted over Mazurkiewicz traces which
                  allows quantification over causal chains.
                  Through this device one can directly formulate
                  causality properties of distributed systems. In
                  this paper we consider an extension of TLC by
                  strengthening the chain quantification
                  operators. We show that our logic TLC$^*$ adds
                  to the expressive power of TLC. We do so by
                  defining an Ehrenfeucht-Fra{\"\i}ss{\'e} game
                  to capture the expressive power of TLC. We then
                  exhibit a property and by means of this game
                  prove that the chosen property is not definable
                  in TLC. We then show that the same property is
                  definable in TLC$^*$. We prove in fact the
                  stronger result that TLC$^*$ is expressively
                  stronger than TLC exactly when the dependency
                  relation associated with the underlying trace
                  alphabet is not transitive.",
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  author = 	 "Brodal, Gerth St{\o}lting and Pedersen,
                  Christian N. S.",
  title = 	 "Finding Maximal Quasiperiodicities in
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-25",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "20~pp. Appears in " # lncs1848 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "Apostolico and Ehrenfeucht defined the notion
                  of a maximal quasiperiodic substring and gave
                  an algorithm that finds all maximal
                  quasiperiodic substrings in a string of
                  length~$n$ in time $O(n \log^2 n)$. In this
                  paper we give an algorithm that finds all
                  maximal quasiperiodic substrings in a string of
                  length~$n$ in time $O(n\log n)$ and
                  space~$O(n)$. Our algorithm uses the suffix
                  tree as the fundamental data structure combined
                  with efficient methods for merging and
                  performing multiple searches in search trees.
                  Besides finding all maximal quasiperiodic
                  substrings, our algorithm also marks the nodes
                  in the suffix tree that have a superprimitive
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  author = 	 "Aceto, Luca and Fokkink, Willem Jan and
                  Verhoef, Chris",
  title = 	 "Conservative Extension in Structural
                  Operational Semantics",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-24",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "23~pp. Appears in the {\em Bulletin of the
                  European Association for Theoretical Computer
                  Science}, 70:110--132, 1999",
  abstract = 	 "Over and over again, process calculi such as
                  CCS, CSP, and ACP have been extended with new
                  features, and the Transition System
                  Specifications (TSSs) that provide the
                  operational semantics for these process
                  algebras were extended with transition rules to
                  describe these features. A question that arises
                  naturally is whether or not the original and
                  the extended TSS induce the same transitions in
                  the original domain. Usually it is desirable
                  that an extension is operationally
                  conservative, meaning that the provable
                  transitions for an original term are the same
                  both in the original and in the extended TSS.
                  This paper contains an exposition of existing
                  conservative extension formats for Structural
                  Operational Semantics, and their applications
                  with respect to term rewriting systems and
                  completeness of axiomatizations",
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  author = 	 "Danvy, Olivier and Dzafic, Belmina and
                  Pfenning, Frank",
  title = 	 "On proving syntactic properties of {CPS}
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-23",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 aug,
  note = 	 "14~pp. Appears in " # entcshoots99 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "Higher-order program transformations raise new
                  challenges for proving properties of their
                  output, since they resist traditional,
                  first-order proof techniques. In this work, we
                  consider (1) the ``one-pass''
                  continuation-passing style (CPS)
                  transformation, which is second-order, and (2)
                  the occurrences of parameters of continuations
                  in its output. To this end, we specify the
                  one-pass CPS transformation relationally and we
                  use the proof technique of logical relations",
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  linkpdf = 	 "",
  author = 	 "Aceto, Luca and {\'E}sik, Zolt{\'a}n and
                  Ing{\'o}lfsd{\'o}ttir, Anna",
  title = 	 "On the Two-Variable Fragment of the Equational
                  Theory of the Max-Sum Algebra of the Natural
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-22",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 aug,
  note = 	 "22~pp. Appears in " # lncs1770 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "This paper shows that the collection of
                  identities in two variables which hold in the
                  algebra {\bf N} of the natural numbers with
                  constant zero, and binary operations of sum and
                  maximum does not have a finite equational
                  axiomatization. This gives an alternative proof
                  of the non-existence of a finite basis for {\bf
                  N}---a result previously obtained by the
                  authors. As an application of the main theorem,
                  it is shown that the language of Basic Process
                  Algebra (over a singleton set of actions), with
                  or without the empty process, has no finite
                  equational axiomatization modulo trace
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Danvy, Olivier",
  title = 	 "An Extensional Characterization of
                  Lambda-Lifting and Lambda-Dropping",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-21",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 aug,
  note = 	 "13~pp. Extended version of an article
                  appearing in " # lncs1722 # ", pages 241--250.
                  This report supersedes the earlier BRICS report
  abstract = 	 "Lambda-lifting and lambda-dropping
                  respectively transform a block-structured
                  functional program into recursive equations and
                  vice versa. Lambda-lifting was developed in the
                  early 80's, whereas lambda-dropping is more
                  recent. Both are split into an analysis and a
                  transformation. Published work, however, has
                  only concentrated on the analysis parts. We
                  focus here on the transformation parts and more
                  precisely on their correctness, which appears
                  never to have been proven. To this end, we
                  define extensional versions of lambda-lifting
                  and lambda-dropping and establish their
                  correctness with respect to a least fixed-point
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkdvi = 	 "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Kohlenbach, Ulrich",
  title = 	 "A Note on {S}pector's Quantifier-Free Rule of
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-20",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 aug,
  note = 	 "5~pp. Appears in {\em Archive for Mathematical
                  Logic}, 40:89--92, 2001",
  abstract = 	 "In this note we show that the so-called weakly
                  extensional arithmetic in all finite types,
                  which is based on a quantifier-free rule of
                  extensionality due to C. Spector and which is
                  of significance in the context of G{\"o}del's
                  functional interpretation, does not satisfy the
                  deduction theorem for additional axioms. This
                  holds already for $\Pi^0_1$-axioms. Previously,
                  only the failure of the stronger deduction
                  theorem for deductions from (possibly open)
                  assumptions (with parameters kept fixed) was
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkdvi = 	 "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Jurdzi{\'n}ski, Marcin and Nielsen, Mogens",
  title = 	 "Hereditary History Preserving Bisimilarity is
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-19",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jun,
  note = 	 "18~pp. An extended abstract appears in " #
                  lncs1770 # ", pages 358--369",
  abstract = 	 "We show undecidability of hereditary history
                  preserving bisimilarity for finite asynchronous
                  transition systems by a reduction from the
                  halting problem of deterministic 2-counter
                  machines. To make the proof more transparent we
                  introduce an intermediate problem of checking
                  domino bisimilarity for origin constrained
                  tiling systems. First we reduce the halting
                  problem of deterministic 2-counter machines to
                  origin constrained domino bisimilarity. Then we
                  show how to model domino bisimulations as
                  hereditary history preserving bisimulations for
                  finite asynchronous transitions systems. We
                  also argue that the undecidability result holds
                  for finite 1-safe Petri nets, which can be seen
                  as a proper subclass of finite asynchronous
                  transition systems",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "M{\"o}ller, M. Oliver and Rue{\ss}, Harald",
  title = 	 "Solving Bit-Vector Equations of Fixed and
                  Non-Fixed Size",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-18",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jun,
  note = 	 "18~pp. Revised version of an article appearing
                  under the title {\em Solving Bit-Vector
                  Equations\/} in " # lncs1522 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "This report is concerned with solving
                  equations on fixed and non-fixed size
                  bit-vector terms. We define an equational
                  transformation system for solving equations on
                  terms where all sizes of bit-vectors and
                  extraction positions are known. This
                  transformation system suggests a generalization
                  for dealing with bit-vectors of unknown size
                  and unknown extraction positions. Both solvers
                  adhere to the principle of splitting
                  bit-vectors only on demand, thereby making them
                  quite effective in practice",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkdvi = 	 "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""

  author = 	 "Filinski, Andrzej",
  title = 	 "A Semantic Account of Type-Directed Partial
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-17",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jun,
  note = 	 "23~pp. Appears in " # lncs1702 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "We formally characterize partial evaluation of
                  functional programs as a normalization problem
                  in an equational theory, and derive a
                  type-based normalization-by-evaluation
                  algorithm for computing normal forms in this
                  setting. We then establish the correctness of
                  this algorithm using a semantic argument based
                  on Kripke logical relations. For simplicity,
                  the results are stated for a non-strict, purely
                  functional language; but the methods are
                  directly applicable to stating and proving
                  correctness of type-directed partial evaluation
                  in ML-like languages as well",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkdvi = 	 "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Lyngs{\o}, Rune B. and Pedersen, Christian N.
  title = 	 "Protein Folding in the {2D HP} Model",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-16",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jun,
  note = 	 "15~pp. Appears in {\em Proceedings of the 1st
                  Journ{\'e}es Ouvertes: Biologie, Informatique
                  et Math{\'e}matiques (JOBIM 2000)}",
  abstract = 	 "We study folding algorithms in the two
                  dimensional Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic model (2D
                  HP model) for protein structure formation. We
                  consider three generalizations of the best
                  known approximation algorithm. We show that two
                  of the generalizations do not improve the worst
                  case approximation ratio. The third
                  generalization seems to be better, and the
                  analysis of its approximation ratio leads to an
                  interesting combinatorial problem",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Lyngs{\o}, Rune B. and Zuker, Michael and
                  Pedersen, Christian N. S.",
  title = 	 "An Improved Algorithm for {RNA} Secondary
                  Structure Prediction",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-15",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 may,
  note = 	 "24~pp. An alloy of two articles appearing in "
                  # acmrecomb99 # ", pages 260--267, and {\em
                  Bioinformatics}, 15(6):440--445, June 1999",
  abstract = 	 "Though not as abundant in known biological
                  processes as proteins, RNA molecules serve as
                  more than mere intermediaries between DNA and
                  proteins, e.g.~as catalytic molecules.
                  Furthermore, RNA secondary structure prediction
                  based on free energy rules for stacking and
                  loop formation remains one of the few major
                  breakthroughs in the field of structure
                  prediction. We present a new method to evaluate
                  all possible internal loops of size at most $k$
                  in an RNA sequence, $s$, in time $O(k|s|^2)$;
                  this is an improvement from the previously used
                  method that uses time $O(k^2|s|^2)$. For
                  unlimited loop size this improves the overall
                  complexity of evaluating RNA secondary
                  structures from $O(|s|^4)$ to $O(|s|^3)$ and
                  the method applies equally well to finding the
                  optimal structure and calculating the
                  equilibrium partition function. We use our
                  method to examine the soundness of setting $k =
                  30$, a commonly used heuristic",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Fiore, Marcelo P. and Cattani, Gian Luca and
                  Winskel, Glynn",
  title = 	 "Weak Bisimulation and Open Maps",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-14",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 may,
  note = 	 "22~pp. Appears in " # lics14 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "A general treatment of weak bisimulation and
                  observation congruence on presheaf models is
                  presented. It extends previous work on
                  bisimulation from open maps and answers a
                  fundamental question there. The consequences of
                  the general theory are derived for two key
                  models for concurrency, the interleaving model
                  of synchronisation trees and the independence
                  model of labelled event structures. Starting
                  with a ``hiding'' functor from a category of
                  paths to observable paths, it is shown how to
                  derive a monad on the category of presheaves
                  over the category of paths. The Kleisli
                  category of the monad is shown to be equivalent
                  to that of presheaves with weak morphisms,
                  which roughly are only required to preserve
                  observable paths. The monad is defined through
                  an intermediary view of processes as bundles in
                  {\bf Cat}. This view, which seems important in
                  its own right, leads directly to a hiding
                  operation on processes; when the hiding
                  operation is translated back to presheaves
                  through an adjunction it yields the monad. The
                  monad is shown to automatically preserve
                  open-map bisimulation, generalising the
                  expectation that strongly bisimilar processes
                  should be weakly bisimilar. However, two
                  alternative general ways to define weak
                  bisimulation and observation congruence (in the
                  Kleisli category itself or in the presheaf
                  category after application of the monad) do not
                  coincide in general. However a necessary and
                  sufficient condition for their equivalence is
                  proved; from this it is sufficient to show a
                  fill-in condition applies to category of paths
                  with weak morphisms. The fill-in condition is
                  shown to hold for the two traditional models,
                  synchronisation trees and event structures",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Pagh, Rasmus",
  title = 	 "Hash and Displace: Efficient Evaluation of
                  Minimal Perfect Hash Functions",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-13",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 may,
  note = 	 "11~pp. A short version appears in " # lncs1663
                  # ", pages 49--54",
  abstract = 	 "A new way of constructing (minimal) perfect
                  hash functions is described. The technique
                  considerably reduces the overhead associated
                  with resolving buckets in two-level hashing
                  schemes. Evaluating a hash function requires
                  just one multiplication and a few additions
                  apart from primitive bit operations. The number
                  of accesses to memory is two, one of which is
                  to a fixed location. This improves the probe
                  performance of previous minimal perfect hashing
                  schemes, and is shown to be optimal. The hash
                  function description (``program'') for a set of
                  size $n$ occupies $O(n)$ words, and can be
                  constructed in expected $O(n)$ time",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Brodal, Gerth St{\o}lting and Lyngs{\o}, Rune
                  B. and Pedersen, Christian N. S. and Stoye,
  title = 	 "Finding Maximal Pairs with Bounded Gap",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-12",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 apr,
  note = 	 "31~pp. Appears in " # lncs1645 # ", pages
                  134--149. Journal version in {\em Journal of
                  Discrete Algorithms}, 1:77--104, 2000",
  abstract = 	 "A pair in a string is the occurrence of the
                  same substring twice. A pair is maximal if the
                  two occurrences of the substring cannot be
                  extended to the left and right without making
                  them different. The gap of a pair is the number
                  of characters between the two occurrences of
                  the substring. In this paper we present methods
                  for finding all maximal pairs under various
                  constraints on the gap. In a string of
                  length~$n$ we can find all maximal pairs with
                  gap in an upper and lower bounded interval in
                  time $O(n \log n + z)$ where~$z$ is the number
                  of reported pairs. If the upper bound is
                  removed the time reduces to~$O(n + z)$. Since a
                  tandem repeat is a pair where the gap is zero,
                  our methods can be seen as a generalization of
                  finding tandem repeats. The running time of our
                  methods equals the running time of well known
                  methods for finding tandem repeats",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Kohlenbach, Ulrich",
  title = 	 "On the Uniform Weak {K}{\"o}nig's Lemma",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-11",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 mar,
  note = 	 "13~pp. An extended version appears in {\em
                  Annals of Pure and Applied Logic} (special
                  issue in honor of A.~S. Troelstra, 2001) vol.
                  114, pp. 103-116 (2002).",
  abstract = 	 "The so-called weak K{\"o}nig's lemma WKL
                  asserts the existence of an infinite path $b$
                  in any infinite binary tree (given by a
                  representing function $f$). Based on this
                  principle one can formulate subsystems of
                  higher-order arithmetic which allow to carry
                  out very substantial parts of classical
                  mathematics but are $\Pi^0_2$-conservative over
                  primitive recursive arithmetic PRA (and even
                  weaker fragments of arithmetic). In 1992 we
                  established such conservation results relative
                  to finite type extensions PRA$^{\omega}$ of PRA
                  (together with a quantifier-free axiom of
                  choice schema). In this setting one can
                  consider also a uniform version UWKL of WKL
                  which asserts the existence of a functional
                  $\Phi$ which selects uniformly in a given
                  infinite binary tree $f$ an infinite path $\Phi
                  f$ of that tree. This uniform version of WKL is
                  of interest in the context of explicit
                  mathematics as developed by S. Feferman. The
                  elimination process from 1992 actually can be
                  used to eliminate even this uniform weak
                  K{\"o}nig's lemma provided that PRA$^{\omega}$
                  only has a quantifier-free rule of
                  extensionality QF-ER instead of the full axioms
                  $(E)$ of extensionality for all finite types.
                  In this paper we show that in the presence of
                  $(E)$, UWKL is much stronger than WKL: whereas
                  WKL remains to be $\Pi^0_2$-conservative over
                  PRA, PRA$^{\omega}+(E)+$UWKL contains (and is
                  conservative over) full Peano arithmetic PA",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Riecke, Jon G. and Sandholm, Anders B.",
  title = 	 "A Relational Account of Call-by-Value
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-10",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 mar,
  note = 	 "51~pp. To appear in {\em Information and
                  Computation}, LICS~'97 Special Issue. Extended
                  version of an article appearing in " # lics12 #
                  ", pages 258--267. This report supersedes the
                  earlier BRICS report RS-97-41",
  abstract = 	 "We construct a model for FPC, a purely
                  functional, sequential, call-by-value language.
                  The model is built from partial continuous
                  functions, in the style of Plotkin, further
                  constrained to be uniform with respect to a
                  class of logical relations. We prove that the
                  model is fully abstract",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""

  author = 	 "Brabrand, Claus and M{\o}ller, Anders and
                  Sandholm, Anders B. and Schwartzbach, Michael
  title = 	 "A Runtime System for Interactive Web
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-9",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 mar,
  note = 	 "21~pp. Appears in " # www8 # ", pages 313--323
                  and {\em Computer Networks}, 31:1391--1401,
  abstract = 	 "Interactive web services are increasingly
                  replacing traditional static web pages.
                  Producing web services seems to require a
                  tremendous amount of laborious low-level coding
                  due to the primitive nature of CGI programming.
                  We present ideas for an improved runtime system
                  for interactive web services built on top of
                  CGI running on virtually every combination of
                  browser and HTTP/CGI server. The runtime system
                  has been implemented and used extensively in
                  $<$bigwig$>$, a tool for producing interactive
                  web services",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""

  author = 	 "Havelund, Klaus and Larsen, Kim G. and Skou,
  title = 	 "Formal Verification of a Power Controller
                  Using the Real-Time Model Checker {\sc
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-8",
  address = 	 iesd,
  month = 	 mar,
  note = 	 "23~pp. Appears in " # lncs1601 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "A real-time system for power-down control in
                  audio/video components is modeled and verified
                  using the real-time model checker {\sc Uppaal}.
                  The system is supposed to reside in an
                  audio/video component and control (read from
                  and write to) links to neighbor audio/video
                  components such as TV, VCR and remote--control.
                  In particular, the system is responsible for
                  the powering up and down of the component in
                  between the arrival of data, and in order to do
                  so in a safe way without loss of data, it is
                  essential that no link interrupts are lost.
                  Hence, a component system is a multitasking
                  system with hard real-time requirements, and we
                  present techniques for modeling time
                  consumption in such a multitasked, prioritized
                  system. The work has been carried out in a
                  collaboration between Aalborg University and
                  the audio/video company B\&O. By modeling the
                  system, 3 design errors were identified and
                  corrected, and the following verification
                  confirmed the validity of the design but also
                  revealed the necessity for an upper limit of
                  the interrupt frequency. The resulting design
                  has been implemented and it is going to be
                  incorporated as part of a new product line",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
  linkps = 	 "",
  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Winskel, Glynn",
  title = 	 "Event Structures as Presheaves---{T}wo
                  Representation Theorems",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-7",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 mar,
  note = 	 "16~pp. Appears in " # lncs1664 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "The category of event structures is known to
                  embed fully and faithfully in the category of
                  presheaves over pomsets. Here a
                  characterisation of the presheaves represented
                  by event structures is presented. The proof
                  goes via a characterisation of the presheaves
                  represented by event structures when the
                  morphisms on event structures are ``strict'' in
                  that they preserve the partial order of causal
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Lyngs{\o}, Rune B. and Pedersen, Christian N.
                  S. and Nielsen, Henrik",
  title = 	 "Measures on Hidden {M}arkov Models",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-6",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 feb,
  note = 	 "27~pp. Appears in " # isbm99 # " as {\em
                  Metrics and similarity measures for hidden
                  Markov models}",
  abstract = 	 "Hidden Markov models were introduced in the
                  beginning of the 1970's as a tool in speech
                  recognition. During the last decade they have
                  been found useful in addressing problems in
                  computational biology such as characterising
                  sequence families, gene finding, structure
                  prediction and phylogenetic analysis. In this
                  paper we propose several measures between
                  hidden Markov models. We give an efficient
                  algorithm that computes the measures for
                  profile hidden Markov models and discuss how to
                  extend the algorithm to other types of models.
                  We present an experiment using the measures to
                  compare hidden Markov models for three classes
                  of signal peptides",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""
  author = 	 "Bradfield, Julian C. and Stevens, Perdita",
  title = 	 "Observational Mu-Calculus",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-5",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 feb,
  note = 	 "18~pp",
  abstract = 	 "We propose an extended modal mu-calculus to
                  provide an `assembly language' for modal logics
                  for real time, value-passing calculi, and other
                  extended models of computation",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""

  author = 	 "Fr{\"o}schle, Sibylle B. and Hildebrandt,
                  Thomas Troels",
  title = 	 "On Plain and Hereditary History-Preserving
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-4",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 feb,
  note = 	 "21~pp. Appears in " # lncs1672 # ", pages
  abstract = 	 "We investigate the difference between two
                  well-known notions of independence
                  bisimilarity, {\em history-preserving
                  bisimulation} and {\em hereditary
                  history-preserving bisimulation}. We
                  characterise the difference between the two
                  bisimulations in {\em trace-theoretical} terms,
                  advocating the view that the first is (just) a
                  bisimulation for {\em causality}, while the
                  second is a bisimulation for {\em concurrency}.
                  We explore the frontier zone between the two
                  notions by defining a {\em hierarchy} of
                  bounded backtracking bisimulations. Our goal is
                  to provide a stepping stone for the solution to
                  the intriguing open problem of whether
                  hereditary history-preserving bisimulation is
                  decidable or not. We prove that each of the
                  bounded bisimulations is decidable. However, we
                  also prove that the hierarchy is strict. This
                  rules out the possibility that decidability of
                  the general problem follows directly from the
                  special case. Finally, we give a non trivial
                  reduction solving the general problem for a
                  restricted class of systems and give pointers
                  towards a full answer",
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  author = 	 "Miltersen, Peter Bro",
  title = 	 "Two Notes on the Computational Complexity of
                  One-Dimensional Sandpiles",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-3",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 feb,
  note = 	 "8~pp",
  abstract = 	 "We prove that the one-dimensional sandpile
                  prediction problem is in $\mbox{\rm\bf AC}^1$.
                  The best previously known upper bound on the
                  $\mbox{\rm\bf AC}^i$-scale was $\mbox{\bf
                  AC}^2$. We also prove that the problem is not
                  in $\mbox{\rm\bf AC}^{1-\epsilon}$ for any
                  constant $\epsilon> 0$",
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  author = 	 "Damg{\aa}rd, Ivan B.",
  title = 	 "An Error in the Mixed Adversary Protocol by
                  {F}itzi, {H}irt and {M}aurer",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-2",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 feb,
  note = 	 "4~pp",
  abstract = 	 "We point out an error in the protocol for
                  mixed adversaries and zero error from the
                  Crypto 98 paper by Fitzi, Hirt and Maurer. We
                  show that the protocol only works under a
                  stronger requirement on the adversary than the
                  one claimed. Hence the bound on the adversary's
                  corruption capability given there is not tight.
                  Subsequent work has shown, however, a new bound
                  which is indeed tight",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  linkpdf = 	 ""

  author = 	 "Jurdzi{\'n}ski, Marcin and Nielsen, Mogens",
  title = 	 "Hereditary History Preserving Simulation is
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1999,
  type = 	 rs,
  number = 	 "RS-99-1",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jan,
  note = 	 "15~pp",
  abstract = 	 "We show undecidability of {\em hereditary
                  history preserving simulation} for finite
                  asynchronous transition systems by a reduction
                  from the {\em halting problem} of deterministic
                  Turing machines. To make the proof more
                  transparent we introduce an intermediate
                  problem of {\em deciding the winner} in {\em
                  domino snake games}. First we reduce the
                  halting problem of deterministic Turing
                  machines to domino snake games. Then we show
                  how to model a domino snake game by a {\em
                  hereditary history simulation game} on a pair
                  of finite {\em asynchronous transition
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