@string{brics =	"{BRICS}"}
@string{daimi =	"Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus"}
@string{iesd  =	"Department of Computer Science, Institute
		  of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University"}
@string{rs    =	"Research Series"}
@string{ns    =	"Notes Series"}
@string{ls    =	"Lecture Series"}
@string{ds    =	"Dissertation Series"}

  author = 	 "Varacca, Daniele",
  title = 	 "Probability, Nondeterminism and Concurrency:
                  Two Denotational Models for Probabilistic
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-14",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xii+163~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: November~24, 2003 ",
  abstract = 	 "Nondeterminism is modelled in domain theory by
                  the notion of a powerdomain, while probability
                  is modelled by that of the probabilistic
                  powerdomain. Some problems arise when we want
                  to combine them in order to model computation
                  in which both nondeterminism and probability
                  are present. In particular there is no
                  categorical {\em distributive law} between
                  them. We introduce the {\em powerdomain of
                  indexed valuations} which modifies the usual
                  probabilistic powerdomain to take more detailed
                  account of where probabilistic choices are
                  made. We show the existence of a distributive
                  law between the powerdomain of indexed
                  valuations and the nondeterministic
                  powerdomain. By means of an equational theory
                  we give an alternative characterisation of
                  indexed valuations and the distributive law. We
                  study the relation between valuations and
                  indexed valuations. Finally we use indexed
                  valuations to give a semantics to a programming
                  language. This semantics reveals the
                  computational intuition lying behind the
                  In the second part of the thesis we provide an
                  operational reading of continuous valuations on
                  certain domains (the distributive concrete
                  domains of Kahn and Plotkin) through the model
                  of {\em probabilistic event structures}. Event
                  structures are a model for concurrent
                  computation that account for causal relations
                  between events. We propose a way of adding
                  probabilities to confusion free event
                  structures, defining the notion of
                  probabilistic event structure. This leads to
                  various ideas of a run for probabilistic event
                  structures. We show a confluence theorem for
                  such runs. Configurations of a confusion free
                  event structure form a distributive concrete
                  domain. We give a representation theorem which
                  characterises completely the powerdomain of
                  valuations of such concrete domains in terms of
                  probabilistic event structures.",
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  author = 	 "Nygaard, Mikkel",
  title = 	 "Domain Theory for Concurrency",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-13",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 nov,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xiii+161~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: November~21, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "Concurrent computation can be given an
                  abstract mathematical treatment very similar to
                  that provided for sequential computation by
                  domain theory and denotational semantics of
                  Scott and Strachey. \bibpar
                  A simple domain theory for concurrency is
                  presented. Based on a categorical model of
                  linear logic and associated comonads, it
                  highlights the role of linearity in concurrent
                  computation. Two choices of comonad yield two
                  expressive metalanguages for higher-order
                  processes, both arising from canonical
                  constructions in the model. Their denotational
                  semantics are fully abstract with respect to
                  contextual equivalence. \bibpar
                  One language, called HOPLA for Higher-Order
                  Process LAnguage, derives from an exponential
                  of linear logic. It can be viewed as an
                  extension of the simply-typed lambda calculus
                  with CCS-like nondeterministic sum and prefix
                  operations, in which types express the form of
                  computation path of which a process is capable.
                  HOPLA can directly encode calculi like CCS, CCS
                  with process passing, and mobile ambients with
                  public names, and it can be given a
                  straightforward operational semantics
                  supporting a standard bisimulation congruence.
                  The denotational and operational semantics are
                  related with simple proofs of soundness and
                  adequacy. Full abstraction implies that
                  contextual equivalence coincides with logical
                  equivalence for a fragment of Hennessy-Milner
                  logic, linking up with simulation equivalence.
                  The other language is called Affine HOPLA and
                  is based on a weakening comonad that yields a
                  model of affine-linear logic. This language
                  adds to HOPLA an interesting tensor operation
                  at the price of linearity constraints on the
                  occurrences of variables. The tensor can be
                  understood as a juxtaposition of independent
                  processes, and allows Affine HOPLA to encode
                  processes of the kind found in treatments of
                  nondeterministic dataflow. \bibpar
                  The domain theory can be generalised to
                  presheaf models, providing a more refined
                  treatment of nondeterministic branching and
                  supporting notions of bisimulation. The
                  operational semantics for HOPLA is guided by
                  the idea that derivations of transitions in the
                  operational semantics should correspond to
                  elements of the presheaf denotations. Similar
                  guidelines lead to an operational semantics for
                  the first-order fragment of Affine HOPLA. An
                  extension of the operational semantics to the
                  full language is based on a stable denotational
                  semantics which associates to each computation
                  the minimal input necessary for it. Such a
                  semantics is provided, based on event
                  structures; it agrees with the presheaf
                  semantics at first order and exposes the tensor
                  operation as a simple parallel composition of
                  event structures. \bibpar
                  The categorical model obtained from presheaves
                  is very rich in structure and points towards
                  more expressive languages than HOPLA and Affine
                  HOPLA---in particular concerning extensions to
                  cover independence models. The thesis concludes
                  with a discussion of related work towards a
                  fully fledged domain theory for concurrency.",
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  author = 	 "Oliva, Paulo B.",
  title = 	 "Proof Mining in Subsystems of Analysis",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-12",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xii+198~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: September~26, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "This dissertation studies the use of methods
                  of proof theory in extracting new information
                  from proofs in subsystems of classical
                  analysis. We focus mainly on ineffective
                  proofs, i.e.\ proofs which make use of
                  ineffective principles ranging from weak
                  K{\"o}nig's lemma to full comprehension. The
                  main contributions of the dissertation can be
                  divided into four parts: 
                  \item A discussion of how monotone functional
                    interpretation provides the right notion of
                    ``numerical implication'' in analysis. We
                    show among other things that monotone
                    functional interpretation naturally creates
                    well-studied moduli when applied to various
                    classes of statements (e.g.\ uniqueness,
                    convexity, contractivity, continuity and
                    monotonicity) and that the interpretation of
                    implications between those statements
                    corresponds to translations between the
                    different moduli. 
                  \item A case study in $L_1$-approximation, in
                    which we analyze Cheney's proof of Jackson's
                    theorem, concerning uniqueness of the best
                    approximation, w.r.t.\ $L_1$-norm, of
                    continuous functions $f \in C[0, 1]$ by
                    polynomials of bounded degree. The result of
                    our analysis provides the first effective
                    modulus of uniqueness for
                    $L_1$-approximation. Moreover, using this
                    modulus we give the first complexity analysis
                    of the sequence of best $L_1$-approximations
                    for polynomial-time computable functions $f
                    \in C[0, 1]$. 
                  \item A comparison between three different
                    forms of bar recursion, in which we show
                    among other things that the type structure of
                    strongly majorizable functionals is a model
                    of modified bar recursion, that modified bar
                    recursion is not S1--S9 computable over the
                    type structure of total continuous functions
                    and that modified bar recursion de nes
                    (primitive recursively, in the sense of
                    Kleene) Spector's bar recursion. 
                  \item An adaptation of functional
                    interpretation to handle ine ective proofs in
                    feasible analysis, which provides the first
                    modular procedure for extracting
                    polynomial-time realizers from ineffective
                    proofs (i.e.\ proofs involving weak
                    K{\"o}nig's lemma) of $\prod^0_2$-theorems in
                    feasible analysis. 
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  author = 	 "Koprowski, Maciej",
  title = 	 "Cryptographic Protocols Based on Root
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-11",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 aug,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xii+138~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: August~8, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "In this thesis we design new cryptographic
                  protocols, whose security is based on the
                  hardness of root extracting or more speci cally
                  the RSA problem. \bibpar
                  First we study the problem of root extraction
                  in nite Abelian groups, where the group order
                  is unknown. This is a natural generalization of
                  the, heavily employed in modern cryptography,
                  RSA problem of decrypting RSA ciphertexts. We
                  examine the complexity of this problem for
                  generic algorithms, that is, algorithms that
                  work for any group and do not use any special
                  properties of the group at hand. We prove an
                  exponential lower bound on the generic
                  complexity of root extraction, even if the
                  algorithm can choose the ``public exponent''
                  itself. In other words, both the standard and
                  the strong RSA assumption are provably true
                  w.r.t.\ generic algorithms. The results hold
                  for arbitrary groups, so security
                  w.r.t.\ generic attacks follows for any
                  cryptographic construction based on root
                  extracting. \bibpar
                  As an example of this, we modify Cramer-Shoup
                  signature scheme such that it becomes a generic
                  algorithm. We discuss then implementing it in
                  RSA groups without the original restriction
                  that the modulus must be a product of safe
                  primes. It can also be implemented in class
                  groups. In all cases, security follows from a
                  well de ned complexity assumption (the strong
                  root assumption), without relying on random
                  oracles. \bibpar
                  A {\em smooth} natural number has no big prime
                  factors. The probability, that a random natural
                  number not greater than $x$ has all prime
                  factors smaller than $x^{1/u}$ with $u>1$, is
                  asymptotically close to the Dickman function
                  $\rho(u)$. By careful analysis of Hildebrand's
                  asymptotic smoothness results and applying new
                  techniques, we derive concrete bounds on the
                  smoothness probabilities assuming the Riemann
                  hypothesis. We show how our results can be
                  applied in order to suggest realistic values of
                  security parameters in Gennaro-Halevi-Rabin
                  signature scheme. \bibpar
                  We introduce a modi ed version of Fischlin's
                  signature scheme where we substitute prime
                  exponents with random numbers. Equipped with
                  our exact smoothness bounds, we can compute
                  concrete sizes of security parameters,
                  providing a currently acceptable level of
                  security. \bibpar
                  This allows us to propose the rst practical
                  blind signature scheme provably secure, without
                  relying on heuristics called random oracle
                  model (ROM). We obtain the protocol for issuing
                  blind signatures by implementing our modi ed
                  Fischlin's signing algorithm as a secure
                  two-party computation. The security of our
                  scheme assumes the hardness of the strong RSA
                  problem and decisional composite residuosity.
                  We discuss a security aw in the e cient
                  statefull variant of Fischlin's signature
                  scheme. \bibpar
                  Next, we introduce a threshold RSA scheme which
                  is almost as e cient as the fastest previous
                  threshold RSA scheme (by Shoup), but where two
                  assumptions needed in Shoup's and in previous
                  schemes can be dropped, namely that the modulus
                  must be a product of safe primes and that a
                  trusted dealer generates the keys. The
                  robustness (but not the unforgeability) of our
                  scheme depends on a new intractability
                  assumption, in addition to security of the
                  underlying standard RSA scheme. \bibpar
                  Finally, we propose the concept of ne-grained
                  forward secure signature schemes, which not
                  only provides non-repudiation w.r.t. past time
                  periods the way ordinary forward secure
                  signature schemes do, but in addition allows
                  the signer to specify which signatures of the
                  current time period remain valid in case the
                  public key needs to be revoked. This is an
                  important advantage if the signer processes
                  many signatures per time period as otherwise
                  the signer would have to re-issue those
                  signatures (and possibly re-negotiate the
                  respective messages) with a new key. Apart from
                  a formal model we present practical
                  instantiations and prove them secure under the
                  strong RSA assumption only, i.e., we do not
                  resort to the random oracle model to prove
                  security. As a sideresult, we provide an
                  ordinary forward-secure scheme whose key-update
                  time is signi cantly smaller than for other
                  known schemes that do not assume random oracle
                  model (ROM)."

  author = 	 "Fehr, Serge",
  title = 	 "Secure Multi-Player Protocols: Fundamentals,
                  Generality, and Efficiency ",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-10",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 aug,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xii+125~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: August~8, 2003 ",
  abstract = 	 "While classically cryptography is concerned
                  with the problem of private communication among
                  two entities, say {\em players}, in modern
                  cryptography {\em multi}-player protocols play
                  an important role. And among these, it is
                  probably fair to say that {\em secret sharing},
                  and its stronger version {\em verifiable secret
                  sharing (VSS)}, as well as {\em multi-party
                  computation} (MPC) belong to the most appealing
                  and/or useful ones. The former two are basic
                  tools to achieve better robustness of
                  cryptographic schemes against malfunction or
                  misuse by ``decentralizing'' the security from
                  one single to a whole group of individuals
                  (captured by the term {\em threshold}
                  cryptography). The latter allows---at least in
                  principle---to execute {\em any} collaboration
                  among a group of players in a {\em secure} way
                  that guarantees the correctness of the outcome
                  but simultaneously respects the privacy of the
                  In this work, we study three aspects of secret
                  sharing, VSS and MPC, which we denote by {\em
                  fundamentals}, {\em generality}, and {\em
                  efficiency}. By fundamentals we mean the quest
                  for understanding {\em why} a protocol works
                  and is secure in abstract (and hopefully
                  simple) mathematical terms. By generality we
                  mean generality with respect to the underlying
                  mathematical structure, in other words,
                  minimizing the mathematical {\em axioms}
                  required to do some task. And efficiency of
                  course deals with the improvement of protocols
                  with respect to some meaningful complexity
                  measure. \bibpar
                  We briefly summarize our main results. (1) We
                  give a complete characterization of {\em
                  black-box} secret sharing in terms of simple
                  algebraic conditions on the integer sharing
                  coefficients, and we propose a black-box secret
                  sharing scheme with minimal expansion factor.
                  Note that, in contrast to the classical
                  field-based secret sharing schemes, a black-box
                  secret sharing scheme allows to share a secret
                  sampled from an arbitrary Abelian group and
                  requires only black-box access to the group
                  operations and to random group elements. Such a
                  scheme may be very useful in the construction
                  of threshold cryptosystems based on groups with
                  secret order (like~RSA). (2) We show that
                  without loss of efficiency, MPC can be based on
                  arbitrary finite rings. This is in sharp
                  contrast to the literature where essentially
                  all MPC protocols require a much stronger
                  mathematical structure, namely a field. Apart
                  from its theoretical value, this can lead to
                  efficiency improvements since it allows a
                  greater freedom in the (mathematical)
                  representation of the task that needs to be
                  securely executed. (3) We propose a unified
                  treatment of perfectly secure linear VSS and
                  distributed commitments (a weaker version of
                  the former), and we show that the security of
                  such a scheme can be reduced to a linear
                  algebra condition. The security of all known
                  schemes follows as corollaries whose proofs are
                  pure linear algebra arguments, in contrast to
                  some hybrid arguments used in the literature.
                  (4) We construct a new unconditionally secure
                  VSS scheme with minimized reconstruction
                  complexity in the setting of a dishonest
                  minority. This improves on the reconstruction
                  complexity of the previously best known scheme
                  without affecting the (asymptotic) complexity
                  of the sharing phase. In the context of MPC
                  with {\em pre-processing}, our scheme allows to
                  improve the computation phase of earlier
                  protocols without increasing the complexity of
                  the pre-processing. (5) Finally, we consider
                  {\em commitment multiplication proofs}, which
                  allow to prove a multiplicative relation among
                  three commitments, and which play a crucial
                  role in computationally secure MPC. We study a
                  {\em non-interactive} solution which works in a
                  {\em distributed-verifier} setting and
                  essentially consists of a few executions of
                  Pedersen's VSS. We simplify and improve the
                  protocol, and we point out a (previously
                  overlooked) property which helps to construct
                  non-interactive proofs of {\em partial
                  knowledge} in this setting. This allows for
                  instance to prove the knowledge of $\ell$ out
                  of $m$ given secrets, without revealing which
                  ones. We also construct a non-interactive
                  distributed-verifier proof of {\em circuit
                  satisfiability}, which---in principle---allows
                  to prove {\em anything} that can be proven
                  without giving away the proof.",
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  author = 	 "Jurik, Mads J.",
  title = 	 "Extensions to the Paillier Cryptosystem with
                  Applications to Cryptological Protocols",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-9",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 aug,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xii+117~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: August~7, 2003 ",
  abstract = 	 "The main contribution of this thesis is a
                  simplification, a generalization and some
                  modifications of the homomorphic cryptosystem
                  proposed by Paillier in 1999, and several
                  cryptological protocols that follow from these
                  changes. \bibpar
                  The Paillier cryptosystem is an additive
                  homomorphic cryptosystem, meaning that one can
                  combine ciphertexts into a new ciphertext that
                  is the encryption of the sum of the messages of
                  the original ciphertexts. The cryptosystem uses
                  arithmetic over the group ${\bf Z}_{n^2}^*$ and
                  the cryptosystem can encrypt messages from the
                  group ${\bf Z}_n$. In this thesis the
                  cryptosystem is generalized to work over the
                  group ${\bf Z}_{n^{s+1}}^*$ for any integer $s
                  > 0$ with plaintexts from the group ${\bf
                  Z}_{n^s}$. This has the advantage that the
                  ciphertext is only a factor of $(s+1) / s$
                  longer than the plaintext, which is an
                  improvement to the factor of 2 in the Paillier
                  cryptosystem. The generalized cryptosystem is
                  also simplified in some ways, which results in
                  a threshold decryption that is conceptually
                  simpler than other proposals. Another
                  cryptosystem is also proposed that is
                  length-flexible, i.e. given a fixed public key,
                  the sender can choose the $s$ when the message
                  is encrypted and use the message space of ${\bf
                  Z}_{n^s}$. This new system is modified using
                  some El Gamal elements to create a cryptosystem
                  that is both length-flexible and has an
                  efficient threshold decryption. This new system
                  has the added feature, that with a globally
                  setup RSA modulus $n$, provers can efficiently
                  prove various relations on plaintexts inside
                  ciphertexts made using different public keys.
                  Using these cryptosystems several multi-party
                  protocols are proposed: 
                  \item A mix-net, which is a tool for making an
                    unknown random permutation of a list of
                    ciphertext. This makes it a useful tool for
                    achieving anonymity.
                  \item Several voting systems: 
                    \item An efficient large scale election
                      system capable of handling large elections
                      with many candidates.
                    \item Client/server trade-offs: 1) a system
                      where vote size is within a constant of the
                      minimal size, and 2) a system where a voter
                      is protected even when voting from a
                      hostile environment (i.e. a Trojan infested
                      computer). Both of these improvements are
                      achieved at the cost of some extra
                      computations at the server side.
                    \item A small scale election with perfect
                      ballot secrecy (i.e. any group of persons
                      only learns what follows directly from
                      their votes and the final result) usable
                      e.g. for board room election. 
                  \item A key escrow system, which allows an
                    observer to decrypt any message sent using
                    any public key set up in the defined way.
                    This is achieved even though the servers only
                    store a constant amount of key material. 
                  \noindent The last contribution of this thesis
                  is a petition system based on the modified Weil
                  pairing. This system greatly improves the naive
                  implementations using normal signatures from
                  using an order of ${\cal O}(tk)$ group
                  operations to using only ${\cal O}(t + k)$,
                  where $t$ is the number of signatures checked,
                  and $k$ is the security parameter.",
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  author = 	 "Nielsen, Jesper Buus",
  title = 	 "On Protocol Security in the Cryptographic
                  Model ",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-8",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 aug,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xiv+341~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: August~7, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "It seems to be a generally acknowledged fact
                  that you should never trust a computer and that
                  you should trust the person operating the
                  computer even less. This in particular becomes
                  a problem when the party that you do not trust
                  is one which is separated from you and is one
                  on which you depend, e.g. because that party is
                  the holder of some data or some capability that
                  you need in order to operate correctly. How do
                  you perform a given task involving interaction
                  with other parties while allowing these parties
                  a minimal influence on you and, if privacy is
                  an issue, allowing them to learn as little
                  about you as possible. This is the general
                  problem of secure {\em multiparty computation}.
                  The usual way of formalizing the problem is to
                  say that a number of parties who do not trust
                  each other wish to compute some function of
                  their local inputs, while keeping their inputs
                  as secret as possible and guaranteeing the
                  correctness of the output. Both goals should be
                  obtained even if some parties stop
                  participating or some malevolent coalition of
                  the parties start deviating arbitrarily from
                  the agreed protocol. The task is further
                  complicated by the fact that besides their
                  mutual distrust, nor do the parties trust the
                  channels by which they communicate. A general
                  solution to the secure multiparty computation
                  problem is a compiler which given any feasible
                  function describes an efficient protocol which
                  allows the parties to compute the function
                  securely on their local inputs over an open
                  Over the past twenty years the secure
                  multiparty computation problem has been the
                  subject of a large body of research, both
                  research into the models of multiparty
                  computation and research aimed at realizing
                  general secure multiparty computation. The main
                  approach to realizing secure multiparty
                  computation has been based on verifiable secret
                  sharing as computation, where each party holds
                  a secret share of each input and during the
                  execution computes secret shares of all
                  intermediate values. This approach allows the
                  parties to keep all inputs and intermediate
                  values secret and to pool the shares of the
                  output values to learn exactly these
                  More recently an approach based on joint
                  homomorphic encryption was introduced, allowing
                  for an efficient realization of general
                  multiparty computation secure against an
                  eavesdropper. A joint encryption scheme is an
                  encryption scheme where all parties can
                  encrypt, but where it takes the participation
                  of all parties to open an encryption. The
                  computation then starts by all parties
                  broadcasting encryptions of their inputs and
                  progresses through computing encryptions of the
                  intermediary values using the homomorphic
                  properties of the encryption scheme. The
                  encryptions of the outputs can then be jointly
                  In this dissertation we extend this approach by
                  using threshold homomorphic encryption to
                  provide full-fledged security against an active
                  attacker which might control some of the
                  parties and which might take over parties
                  during the course of the protocol execution. As
                  opposed to a joint encryption scheme a
                  threshold encryption scheme only requires that
                  a given number of the parties are operating
                  correctly for decryption to be possible. In
                  this dissertation we show that threshold
                  homomorphic encryption allows to solve the
                  secure general multiparty computation problem
                  more efficiently than previous approaches to
                  the problem.\bibpar
                  Starting from an open point-to-point network
                  there is a long way to general secure
                  multiparty computation. The dissertation
                  contains contributions at several points along
                  the way. In particular we investigate how to
                  realize {\em secure channels}. We also show how
                  threshold signature schemes can be used to
                  efficiently realize a {\em broadcast channel}
                  and how threshold cryptography can be used to
                  provide the parties of the network with a
                  source of {\em shared randomness}. All three
                  tools are well-known to be extremely powerful
                  resources in a network, and our principle
                  contribution is to provide efficient
                  The dissertation also contains contributions to
                  the definitional part of the field of
                  multiparty computation. Most significantly we
                  augment the recent model of {\em universally
                  composable security} with a formal notion of
                  what it means for a protocol to only realize a
                  given problem under a given {\em restricted
                  input-output behavior} of the environment. This
                  e.g. allows us to give the first specification
                  of a {\em universally composable zero-knowledge
                  proof of membership} which does not at the same
                  time require the proof system to be a proof of
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  author = 	 "C{\'a}ccamo, Mario Jos{\'e}",
  title = 	 "A Formal Calculus for Categories",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-7",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jun,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xiv+151",
  comment = 	 "Defence: June~23, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "This dissertation studies the logic
                  underlying category theory. In particular we
                  present a formal calculus for reasoning about
                  universal properties. The aim is to systematise
                  judgements about {\em functoriality} and {\em
                  naturality} central to categorical reasoning.
                  The calculus is based on a language which
                  extends the typed lambda calculus with new
                  binders to represent universal constructions.
                  The types of the languages are interpreted as
                  locally small categories and the expressions
                  represent functors. \bibpar
                  The logic supports a syntactic treatment of
                  universality and duality. Contravariance
                  requires a definition of universality generous
                  enough to deal with functors of mixed variance.
                  {\em Ends} generalise limits to cover these
                  kinds of functors and moreover provide the
                  basis for a very convenient algebraic
                  manipulation of expressions. \bibpar
                  The equational theory of the lambda calculus is
                  extended with new rules for the definitions of
                  universal properties. These judgements express
                  the existence of natural isomorphisms between
                  functors. The isomorphisms allow us to
                  formalise in the calculus results like the
                  Yoneda lemma and Fubini theorem for ends. The
                  definitions of limits and ends are given as
                  {\em representations} for special {\bf
                  Set}-valued functors where {\bf Set} is the
                  category of sets and functions. This
                  establishes the basis for a more calculational
                  presentation of category theory rather than the
                  traditional diagrammatic one. \bibpar
                  The presence of structural rules as primitive
                  in the calculus together with the rule for
                  duality give rise to issues concerning the {\em
                  coherence} of the system. As for every
                  well-typed expression-in-context there are
                  several possible derivations it is sensible to
                  ask whether they result in the same
                  interpretation. For the functoriality
                  judgements the system is coherent up to natural
                  isomorphism. In the case of naturality
                  judgements a simple example shows its
                  incoherence. However in many situations to know
                  there exists a natural isomorphism is enough.
                  As one of the contributions in this
                  dissertation, the calculus provides a useful
                  tool to verify that a functor is continuous by
                  just establishing the existence of a certain
                  natural isomorphism. \bibpar
                  Finally, we investigate how to generalise the
                  calculus to enriched categories. Here we lose
                  the ability to manipulate contexts through
                  weakening and contraction and conical limits
                  are not longer adequate.",
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  author = 	 "Ursem, Rasmus K.",
  title = 	 "Models for Evolutionary Algorithms and Their
                  Applications in System Identification and
                  Control Optimization",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-6",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jun,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xiv+183~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: June~20, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "In recent years, optimization algorithms have
                  received increasing attention by the research
                  community as well as the industry. In the area
                  of evolutionary computation (EC), inspiration
                  for optimization algorithms originates in
                  Darwin's ideas of evolution and survival of the
                  fittest. Such algorithms simulate an
                  evolutionary process where the goal is to
                  evolve solutions by means of crossover,
                  mutation, and selection based on their quality
                  (fitness) with respect to the optimization
                  problem at hand. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs)
                  are highly relevant for industrial
                  applications, because they are capable of
                  handling problems with non-linear constraints,
                  multiple objectives, and dynamic components ---
                  properties that frequently appear in real-world
                  problems. \bibpar
                  This thesis presents research in three
                  fundamental areas of EC; fitness function
                  design, methods for parameter control, and
                  techniques for multimodal optimization. In
                  addition to general investigations in these
                  areas, I introduce a number of algorithms and
                  demonstrate their potential on real-world
                  problems in system identification and control.
                  Furthermore, I investigate dynamic optimization
                  problems in the context of the three
                  fundamental areas as well as control, which is
                  a field where real-world dynamic problems
                  appear. \bibpar
                  Regarding fitness function design, smoothness
                  of the fitness landscape is of primary concern,
                  because a too rugged landscape may disrupt the
                  search and lead to premature convergence at
                  local optima. Rugged fitness landscapes
                  typically arise from imprecisions in the
                  fitness calculation or low relatedness between
                  neighboring solutions in the search space. The
                  imprecision problem was investigated on the
                  Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg numerical integrator in
                  the context of non-linear differential
                  equations. Regarding the relatedness problem
                  for the search space of arithmetic functions,
                  Thiemo Krink and I suggested the smooth
                  operator genetic programming algorithm. This
                  approach improves the smoothness of fitness
                  function by allowing a gradual change between
                  traditional operators such as multiplication
                  and division. \bibpar
                  In the area of parameter control, I
                  investigated the so-called self-adaptation
                  technique on dynamic problems. In
                  self-adaptation, the genome of the individual
                  contains the parameters that are used to modify
                  the individual. Self-adaptation was developed
                  for static problems; however, the parameter
                  control approach requires a significant number
                  of generations before superior parameters are
                  evolved. In my study, I experimented with two
                  artificial dynamic problems and showed that the
                  technique fails on even rather simple
                  time-varying problems. In a different study on
                  static problems, Thiemo Krink and I suggested
                  the terrain-based patchwork model, which is a
                  fundamentally new approach to parameter control
                  based on agents moving in a spatial grid world.
                  For multimodal optimization problems,
                  algorithms are typically designed with two
                  objectives in mind. First, the algorithm shall
                  find the global optimum and avoid stagnation at
                  local optima. Additionally, the algorithm shall
                  preferably find several candidate solutions,
                  and thereby allow a final human decision among
                  the found solutions. For this objective, I
                  created the multinational EA that employs a
                  self-organizing population structure grouping
                  the individuals into a number of subpopulations
                  located in different parts of the search space.
                  In a related study, I investigated the
                  robustness of the widely used sharing
                  technique. Surprisingly, I found that this
                  algorithm is extremely sensitive to the range
                  of fitness values. In a third investigation, I
                  introduced the diversity-guided EA, which uses
                  a population diversity measure to guide the
                  search. The potential of this algorithm was
                  demonstrated on parameter identification of two
                  induction motor models, which are used in the
                  pumps produced by the Danish pump manufacturer
  abstract1 = 	 "\bibpar
                  The field of dynamic optimization has received
                  significant attention since 1990. However, most
                  research performed in an EC-context has focused
                  on artificial dynamic problems. In a
                  fundamental study, Thiemo Krink, Mikkel T.
                  Jensen, Zbigniew Michalewicz, and I
                  investigated artificial dynamic problems and
                  found no clear connection (if any) to
                  real-world dynamic problems. In conclusion, a
                  large part of this research field's foundation,
                  i.e., the test problems, is highly
                  questionable. In continuation of this, Thiemo
                  Krink, Bogdan Filipi{\v{c}}, and I investigated
                  online control problems, which have the special
                  property that the search changes the problem.
                  In this context, we examined how to utilize the
                  available computation time in the best way
                  between updates of the control signals. For an
                  EA, the available time can be a trade-off
                  between population size and number of
                  generations. From our experiments, we concluded
                  that the best approach was to have a small
                  population and many generations, which
                  essentially turns the problem into a series of
                  related static problems. To our surprise, the
                  control problem could easily be solved when
                  optimized like this. To further examine this,
                  we compared the EA with a particle swarm and a
                  local search approach, which we developed for
                  dynamic optimization in general. The three
                  algorithms had matching performance when
                  properly tuned. An interesting result from this
                  investigation was that different step-sizes in
                  the local search algorithm induced different
                  control strategies, i.e., the search strategy
                  lead to the emergence of alternative paths of
                  the moving optima in the dynamic landscape.
                  This observation is captured in the novel
                  concept of {\em optima in time}, which we
                  introduced as a temporal version of the usual
                  optima the in search space.",
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  author = 	 "Milicia, Giuseppe",
  title = 	 "Applying Formal Methods to Programming
                  Language Design and Implementation",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-5",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jun,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xvi+211",
  comment = 	 "Defence: June~16, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "This thesis concerns the design and evolution
                  of two programming languages. The two
                  contributions, unrelated with each other, are
                  treated separately. The underlying theme of
                  this work is the application of {\em formal
                  methods} to the task of programming language
                  design and implementation.\bibpar
                  {\bf Jeeg}\bibpar
                  We introduce Jeeg, a dialect of Java based on a
                  declarative replacement of the synchronization
                  mechanisms of Java that results in a complete
                  decoupling of the ``business'' and the
                  ``synchronization'' code of classes.
                  Synchronization constraints in Jeeg are
                  expressed in a linear temporal logic which
                  allows to effectively limit the occurrence of
                  the inheritance anomaly that commonly affects
                  concurrent object oriented languages. Jeeg is
                  inspired by the current trend in aspect
                  oriented languages. In a Jeeg program the
                  sequential and concurrent aspects of object
                  behaviors are decoupled: specified separately
                  by the programmer these are then weaved
                  together by the Jeeg compiler.\bibpar
                  It is of paramount importance that a security
                  protocol effectively enforces the desired
                  security requirements. The apparent simplicity
                  of informal protocol descriptions hides the
                  complex interactions of a security protocol
                  which often invalidate informal correctness
                  arguments and justify the effort of formal
                  protocol verification. Verification, however,
                  is usually carried out on an abstract model not
                  at all related with a protocol's
                  implementation. Experience shows that security
                  breaches introduced in implementations of
                  successfully verified models are rather common.
                  The $\chi$-Spaces framework is a tool meant to
                  support every step of the protocol's life-cycle
                  in a uniform manner. The core of the framework
                  is a domain specific programming language based
                  on SPL (Security Protocol Language) a formal
                  model for studying security protocols. This
                  simple, yet powerful, language allows the
                  implementation of security protocols in a
                  concise an precise manner. Its underlying
                  formal model, based on SPL, gives the power to
                  prove interesting properties of the actual
                  protocol implementation. Simulation,
                  benchmarking and testing of the protocols is
                  immediate using the $\chi$-Sim tool."

  author = 	 "Crazzolara, Federico",
  title = 	 "Language, Semantics, and Methods for Security
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-4",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 may,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xii+160",
  comment = 	 "Defence: May~15, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "Security protocols help in establishing
                  secure channels between communicating systems.
                  Great care needs therefore to be taken in
                  developing and implementing robust protocols.
                  The complexity of security-protocol
                  interactions can hide, however, security
                  weaknesses that only a formal analysis can
                  reveal. The last few years have seen the
                  emergence of successful intensional,
                  event-based, formal approaches to reasoning
                  about security protocols. The methods are
                  concerned with reasoning about the events that
                  a security protocol can perform, and make use
                  of a causal dependency that exists between
                  events. Methods like strand spaces and the
                  inductive method of Paulson have been designed
                  to support an intensional, event-based, style
                  of reasoning. These methods have successfully
                  tackled a number of protocols though in an {\em
                  ad hoc} fashion. They make an informal spring
                  from a protocol to its representation and do
                  not address how to build up protocol
                  representations in a compositional fashion.
                  This dissertation presents a new, event-based
                  approach to reasoning about security protocols.
                  We seek a broader class of models to show how
                  event-based models can be structured in a
                  compositional way and so used to give a formal
                  semantics to security protocols which supports
                  proofs of their correctness. More precisely, we
                  give a compositional event-based semantics to
                  an economical, but expressive, language for
                  describing security protocols (SPL); so the
                  events and dependency of a wide range of
                  protocols are determined once and for all. The
                  net semantics allows the derivation of general
                  properties and proof principles the use of
                  which is demonstrated in establishing security
                  properties for a number of protocols. The NSL
                  public-key protocol, the ISO 5-pass
                  authentication and the $\Pi_3$ key-translation
                  protocols are analysed for their level of
                  secrecy and authentication and for their
                  robustness in runs where some session-keys are
                  compromised. Particularly useful in the
                  analysis are general results that show which
                  events of a protocol run can not be those of a
                  spy. \bibpar
                  The net semantics of SPL is formally related to
                  a transition semantics which can easily be
                  implemented. (An existing SPL implementation
                  bridges the gap that often exists between
                  abstract protocol models on which verification
                  of security properties is carried out and the
                  implemented protocol.) SPL-nets are a
                  particular kind of contextual Petri-nets. They
                  have persistent conditions and as we show in
                  this thesis, unfold under reasonable
                  assumptions to a more basic kind of nets. We
                  relate SPL-nets to strand spaces and inductive
                  rules, as well as trace languages and event
                  structures so unifying a range of approaches,
                  as well as providing conditions under which
                  particular, more limited, models are adequate
                  for the analysis of protocols. The relations
                  that are described in this thesis help
                  integrate process calculi and algebraic
                  reasoning with event-based methods to obtain a
                  more accurate analysis of security properties
                  of protocols.",
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  author = 	 "Srba, Ji{\v{r}}{\'\i}",
  title = 	 "Decidability and Complexity Issues for
                  Infinite-State Processes",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-3",
  address = 	 daimi,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xii+171~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: April~14, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "This thesis studies decidability and
                  complexity border-lines for algorithmic
                  verification of infinite-state systems.
                  Verification techniques for finite-state
                  processes are a successful approach for the
                  validation of reactive programs operating over
                  finite domains. When infinite data domains are
                  introduced, most of the verification problems
                  become in general undecidable. By imposing
                  certain restrictions on the considered models
                  (while still including infinite-state spaces),
                  it is possible to provide algorithmic decision
                  procedures for a variety of properties. Hence
                  the models of infinite-state systems can be
                  classified according to which verification
                  problems are decidable, and in the positive
                  case according to complexity
                  This thesis aims to contribute to the problems
                  mentioned above by studying decidability and
                  complexity questions of equivalence checking
                  problems, i.e., the problems whether two
                  infinite-state processes are equivalent with
                  regard to some suitable notion of behavioural
                  equivalence. In particular, our interest is
                  focused on strong and weak bisimilarity
                  checking within classical models of
                  infinite-state processes. \bibpar
                  Throughout the thesis, processes are modelled
                  by the formalism of process rewrite systems
                  which provides a uniform classification of all
                  the considered classes of infinite-state
                  We begin our exposition of infinite-state
                  systems by having a closer look at the very
                  basic model of labelled transition systems. We
                  demonstrate a simple geometrical encoding of
                  the labelled systems into unlabelled ones by
                  transforming labels into linear paths of
                  different lengths. The encoding preserves the
                  answers to the strong bisimilarity checking and
                  is shown to be effective e.g. for the classes
                  of pushdown processes and Petri nets. This
                  gives several decidability and complexity
                  corollaries about unlabelled variants of the
                  We continue by developing a general
                  decidability theorem for commutative process
                  algebras like deadlock-sensitive BPP (basic
                  parallel processes), lossy BPP, interrupt BPP
                  and timed-arc BPP nets. The introduced
                  technique relies on the tableau-based proof of
                  decidability of strong bisimilarity for BPP and
                  we extend it in several ways to provide a wider
                  applicability range of the technique. This, in
                  particular, implies that all the mentioned
                  classes of commutative process algebras allow
                  for algorithmic checking of strong
                  bisimilarity. \bibpar
                  Another topic studied in the thesis deals with
                  finding tight complexity estimates for strong
                  and weak bisimilarity checking. A novel
                  technique called existential quantification is
                  explicitly described and used to show that the
                  strong bisimilarity and regularity problems for
                  basic process algebra and basic parallel
                  processes are PSPACE-hard. In case of weak
                  bisimilarity checking of basic parallel
                  processes the problems are shown to be again
                  PSPACE-hard --- this time, however, also for
                  the normed subclass. \bibpar
                  Finally we consider the problems of weak
                  bisimilarity checking for the classes of
                  pushdown processes and PA-processes. Negative
                  answers to the problems are given --- both
                  problems are proven to be undecidable. The
                  proof techniques moreover solve some other open
                  problems. For example the undecidability proof
                  for pushdown processes implies also
                  undecidability of strong bisimilarity for
                  prefix-recognizable graphs. \bibpar
                  The thesis is concluded with an overview of the
                  state-of-the-art for strong and weak
                  bisimilarity problems within the classes from
                  the hierarchy of process rewrite systems. ",
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  author = 	 "Valencia, Frank D.",
  title = 	 "Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-2",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 feb,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xvii+174",
  comment = 	 "Defence: February~5, 2003",
  abstract = 	 "{\em Concurrent constraint programming} (ccp)
                  is a formalism for concurrency in which agents
                  interact with one another by telling (adding)
                  and asking (reading) information in a shared
                  medium. Temporal ccp extends ccp by allowing
                  agents to be constrained by time conditions.
                  This dissertation studies temporal ccp as a
                  model of concurrency for discrete-timed
                  systems. The study is conducted by developing a
                  process calculus called {\tt ntcc}. \bibpar
                  The {\tt ntcc} calculus generalizes the tcc
                  model, the latter being a temporal ccp model
                  for {\em deterministic} and {\em synchronous
                  timed reactive} systems. The calculus is built
                  upon few basic ideas but it captures several
                  aspects of timed systems. As tcc, {\tt ntcc}
                  can model unit delays, time-outs, pre-emption
                  and synchrony. Additionally, it can model {\em
                  unbounded but finite delays, bounded
                  eventuality, asynchrony} and {\em
                  nondeterminism}. The applicability of the
                  calculus is illustrated with several
                  interesting examples of discrete-time systems
                  involving mutable data structures, robotic
                  devices, multi-agent systems and music
                  applications. \bibpar
                  The calculus is provided with a {\em
                  denotational semantics} that captures the
                  reactive computations of processes in the
                  presence of arbitrary environments. The
                  denotation is proven to be {\em fully-abstract}
                  for a substantial fragment of the calculus.
                  This dissertation identifies the exact
                  technical problems (arising mainly from
                  allowing nondeterminism, locality and time-outs
                  in the calculus) that makes it impossible to
                  obtain a fully abstract result for the full
                  language of {\tt ntcc}. \bibpar
                  Also, the calculus is provided with a process
                  logic for expressing {\em temporal
                  specifications} of {\tt ntcc} processes. This
                  dissertation introduces a ({\em relatively})
                  {\em complete inference system} to prove that a
                  given {\tt ntcc}process satisfies a given
                  formula in this logic. The denotation, process
                  logic and inference system presented in this
                  dissertation significantly extend and
                  strengthen similar developments for tcc and
                  (untimed) ccp. \bibpar
                  This dissertation addresses the {\em
                  decidability} of various behavioral
                  equivalences for the calculus and {\em
                  characterizes} their corresponding induced
                  congruences. The equivalences (and their
                  associated congruences) are proven to be
                  decidable for a significant fragment of the
                  calculus. The decidability results involve a
                  systematic translation of processes into finite
                  state B{\"u}chi automata. To the author's best
                  knowledge the study of decidability for ccp
                  equivalences is original to this work. \bibpar
                  Furthermore, this dissertation deepens the
                  understanding of previous ccp work by
                  establishing an {\em expressive power
                  hierarchy} of several temporal ccp languages
                  which were proposed in the literature by other
                  authors. These languages, represented in this
                  dissertation as {\em variants} of {\tt ntcc} ,
                  differ in their way of defining infinite
                  behavior (i.e., {\em replication} or {\em
                  recursion}) and the scope of variables (i.e.,
                  {\em static} or {\em dynamic scope}). In
                  particular, it is shown that (1) recursive
                  procedures with parameters can be encoded into
                  parameterless recursive procedures with dynamic
                  scoping, and vice-versa; (2) replication can be
                  encoded into parameterless recursive procedures
                  with static scoping, and vice-versa; (3) the
                  languages from (1) are {\em strictly more
                  expressive} than the languages from (2). (Thus,
                  in this family of languages recursion is more
                  expressive than replication and dynamic scope
                  is more expressive than static scope.)
                  Moreover, it is shown that behavioral
                  equivalence is {\em undecidable} for the
                  languages from (l), but {\em decidable} for the
                  languages from (2). Interestingly, the
                  undecidability result holds even if the process
                  variables take values from a {\em fixed finite
                  domain} whilst the decidability holds for {\em
                  arbitrary domains}. \bibpar
                  Both the expressive power hierarchy and
                  decidability/undecidability results give a
                  clear distinction among the various temporal
                  ccp languages. Also, the distinction between
                  static and dynamic scoping helps to clarify the
                  situation in the (untimed) ccp family of
                  languages. Moreover, the methods used in the
                  decidability results may provide a framework to
                  perform further systematic investigations of
                  temporal ccp languages."

  author = 	 "Brabrand, Claus",
  title = 	 "Domain Specific Languages for Interactive Web
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2003,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-03-1",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 jan,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xiv+214~pp",
  abstract = 	 "This dissertation shows how domain specific
                  languages may be applied to the domain of
                  interactive Web services to obtain flexible,
                  safe, and efficient solutions.\bibpar
                  We show how each of four key aspects of
                  interactive Web services involving sessions,
                  dynamic creation of HTML/XML documents, form
                  field input validation, and concurrency
                  control, may benefit from the design of a
                  dedicated language.\bibpar
                  Also, we show how a notion of metamorphic
                  syntax macros facilitates integration of these
                  individual domain specific languages into a
                  complete language. \bibpar
                  The result is a domain specific language, \verb
                  !{}!, that supports virtually all
                  aspects of the development of interactive Web
                  services and provides flexible, safe, and
                  efficient solutions",
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