@string{brics =	"{BRICS}"}
@string{daimi =	"Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus"}
@string{iesd  =	"Department of Computer Science, Institute
		  of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University"}
@string{rs    =	"Research Series"}
@string{ns    =	"Notes Series"}
@string{ls    =	"Lecture Series"}
@string{ds    =	"Dissertation Series"}

  author = 	 "Pagh, Rasmus",
  title = 	 "Hashing, Randomness and Dictionaries",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2002,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-02-5",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 oct,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. x+167~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: October~11, 2002",
  abstract = 	 "This thesis is centered around one of the most
                  basic information retrieval problems, namely
                  that of storing and accessing the elements of a
                  set. Each element in the set has some
                  associated information that is returned along
                  with it. The problem is referred to as the {\em
                  dictionary\/} problem, due to the similarity to
                  a bookshelf dictionary, which contains a set of
                  words and has an explanation associated with
                  each word. In the {\em static\/} version of the
                  problem the set is fixed, whereas in the {\em
                  dynamic\/} version, insertions and deletions of
                  elements are possible.\bibpar
                  The approach taken is that of the theoretical
                  algorithms community. We work (almost)
                  exclusively with a {\em model}, a mathematical
                  object that is meant to capture essential
                  aspects of a real computer. The main model
                  considered here (and in most of the literature
                  on dictionaries) is a unit cost RAM with a word
                  size that allows a set element to be stored in
                  one word.\bibpar
                  We consider several variants of the dictionary
                  problem, as well as some related problems. The
                  problems are studied mainly from an upper bound
                  perspective, i.e., we try to come up with
                  algorithms that are as efficient as possible
                  with respect to various computing resources,
                  mainly computation time and memory space. To
                  some extent we also consider lower bounds,
                  i.e., we attempt to show limitations on how
                  efficient algorithms are possible. A central
                  theme in the thesis is {\em randomness}.
                  Randomized algorithms play an important role,
                  in particular through the key technique of {\em
                  hashing}. Additionally, probabilistic methods
                  are used in several proofs.",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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  author = 	 "M{\o}ller, Anders",
  title = 	 "Program Verification with Monadic Second-Order
                  Logic \& Languages for {W}eb Service
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2002,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-02-4",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xvi+337~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: September~9, 2002",
  abstract = 	 "Domain-specific formal languages are an
                  essential part of computer science, combining
                  theory and practice. Such languages are
                  characterized by being tailor-made for specific
                  application domains and thereby providing
                  expressiveness on high abstraction levels and
                  allowing specialized analysis and verification
                  techniques. This dissertation describes two
                  projects, each exploring one particular
                  instance of such languages: monadic
                  second-order logic and its application to
                  program verification, and programming languages
                  for construction of interactive Web services.
                  Both program verification and Web service
                  development are areas of programming language
                  research that have received increased attention
                  during the last years.\bibpar
                  We first show how the logic Weak monadic
                  Second-order Logic on Strings and Trees can be
                  implemented efficiently despite an intractable
                  theoretical worst-case complexity. Among
                  several other applications, this implementation
                  forms the basis of a verification technique for
                  imperative programs that perform data-type
                  operations using pointers. To achieve this, the
                  basic logic is extended with layers of language
                  abstractions. Also, a language for expressing
                  data structures and operations along with
                  correctness specifications is designed. Using
                  Hoare logic, programs are split into loop-free
                  fragments which can be encoded in the logic.
                  The technique is described for recursive data
                  types and later extended to the whole class of
                  graph types. As an example application, we
                  verify correctness properties of an
                  implementation of the insert procedure for
                  red-black search trees.\bibpar
                  We then show how Web service development can
                  benefit from high-level language support.
                  Existing programming languages for Web services
                  are typically general-purpose languages that
                  provide only low-level primitives for common
                  problems, such as maintaining session state and
                  dynamically producing HTML or XML documents. By
                  introducing explicit language-based mechanisms
                  for those issues, we liberate the Web service
                  programmer from the tedious and error-prone
                  alternatives. Specialized program analyses aid
                  the programmer by verifying at compile time
                  that only valid HTML documents are ever shown
                  to the clients at runtime and that the
                  documents are constructed consistently. In
                  addition, the language design provides support
                  for declarative form-field validation, caching
                  of dynamic documents, concurrency control based
                  on temporal-logic specifications, and
                  syntax-level macros for making additional
                  language extensions. In its newest version, the
                  programming language is designed as an
                  extension of Java. To describe classes of XML
                  documents, we introduce a novel XML schema
                  language aiming to both simplify and generalize
                  existing proposals. All parts are implemented
                  and tested in practice.\bibpar
                  Both projects involve design of high-level
                  languages and specialized analysis and
                  verification techniques, supporting the thesis
                  that the domain-specific paradigm can provide a
                  versatile and productive approach to
                  development of formal languages"

  author = 	 "Jacob, Riko",
  title = 	 "Dynamic Planar Convex hull",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2002,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-02-3",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 may,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xiv+112~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: May~31, 2002",
  abstract = 	 "We determine the computational complexity of
                  the dynamic convex hull problem in the planar
                  case. We present a data structure that
                  maintains a finite set of points in the plane
                  under insertion and deletion of points in
                  amortized $O(\log n)$ time. Here n denotes the
                  number of points in the set. The data structure
                  supports the reporting of the extreme point of
                  the set in some direction in worst-case and
                  amortized $O(\log n)$ time. The space usage of
                  the data structure is $O(n)$. We give a lower
                  bound on the amortized asymptotic time
                  complexity that matches the performance of this
                  data structure",
  linkhtmlabs =	 "",
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  author = 	 "Dantchev, Stefan",
  title = 	 "On Resolution Complexity of Matching
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2002,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-02-2",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 may,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xii+70~pp",
  comment = 	 "Defence: May~10, 2002",
  abstract = 	 "Studying the complexity of mathematical proofs
                  is important not only for automated theorem
                  proving, but also for Mathematics as a whole.
                  Each significant result in this direction would
                  potentially have a great impact on Foundations
                  of mathematics.\bibpar
                  Surprisingly enough, the general Proof
                  Complexity is closely related to Propositional
                  Proof Complexity. The latter area was founded
                  by Cook and Reckhow in 1979, and enjoyed quite
                  a fast development since then. One of the main
                  research directions is finding the precise
                  complexity of some natural combinatorial
                  principle within a relatively weak
                  propositional proof system. The results in the
                  thesis fall in this category. We study the
                  Resolution complexity of some Matching
                  Principles. The three major contributions of
                  the thesis are as follows.\bibpar
                  Firstly, we develop a general technique of
                  proving resolution lower bounds for the perfect
                  matchingprinciples based on regular planar
                  graphs. No lower bounds for these were known
                  prior to our work. As a matter of fact, one
                  such problem, the Mutilated Chessboard, was
                  suggested as hard to automated theorem provers
                  in 1964, and remained open since then. Our
                  technique proves a tight resolution lower bound
                  for the Mutilated Chessboard as well as for
                  Tseitin tautologies based on rectangular grid
                  graph. We reduce these problems to Tiling
                  games, a concept introduced by us, which may be
                  of interest on its own.\bibpar
                  Secondly, we find the exact Tree-Resolution
                  complexity of the Weak Pigeon-Hole Principle.
                  It is the most studied combinatorial principle,
                  but even its Tree-Resolution complexity was
                  unknown prior to our work. We develop a new,
                  more general method for proving Tree-Resolution
                  lower bounds. We also define and prove
                  non-trivial upper bounds on worst-case proofs
                  of the Weak Pigeon-Hole Principle. The
                  worst-case proofs are first introduced by us,
                  as a concept opposite to the optimal
                  Thirdly, we prove Resolution width-size
                  trade-offs for the Pigeon-Hole Principle.
                  Proving the size lower bounds via the width
                  lower bounds was known since the seminal paper
                  of Haken, who first proved an exponential lower
                  bound for the ordinary Pigeon-Hole Principle.
                  The width-size trade-offs however were not
                  studied at all prior to our work. Our result
                  gives an optimal width-size trade-off for
                  resolution in general"

  author = 	 "M{\"o}ller, M. Oliver",
  title = 	 "Structure and Hierarchy in Real-Time Systems",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2002,
  type = 	 ds,
  number = 	 "DS-02-1",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 apr,
  note = 	 "PhD thesis. xvi+228~pp",
  abstract = 	 "The development of digital systems is
                  particularly challenging, if their correctness
                  depends on the right timing of operations. One
                  approach to enhance the reliability of such
                  systems is model-based development. This allows
                  for a formal analysis throughout all stages of
                  Model-based development is hindered mainly by
                  the lack of adequate modeling languages and the
                  high computational cost of the analysis. In
                  this thesis we improve the situation along both
                  First, we bring the mathematical model closer
                  to the human designer. This we achieve by
                  casting hierarchical structures---as known from
                  statechart-like formalisms---into a formal
                  timed model. This shapes a high-level language,
                  which allows for fully automated
                  Second, we use sound approximations to achieve
                  more efficient automation in the verification
                  of timed properties. We present two novel
                  state-based techniques that have the potential
                  to reduce time and memory consumption
                  The first technique makes use of structural
                  information, in particular loops, to exploit
                  regularities in the reachable state space. Via
                  shortcut-like additions to the model we avoid
                  repetition of similar states during an
                  exhaustive state space exploration.\bibpar
                  The second technique applies the abstract
                  interpretation framework to a real-time
                  setting. We preserve the control structure and
                  approximate only the more expensive time
                  component of a state. The verification of
                  infinite behavior, also known as liveness
                  properties, requires an assumption on the
                  progress of time. We incorporate this
                  assumption by means of limiting the behavior of
                  the model with respect to delay steps. For a
                  next-free temporal logic, this modification
                  does not change the set of valid
                  We supplement our research with experimental
                  run-time data. This data is gathered via
                  prototype implementations on top of the model
                  checking tools UPPAAL and MOCHA",
  linkhtmlabs =  "",
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