@string{brics =	"{BRICS}"}
@string{daimi =	"Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus"}
@string{iesd  =	"Department of Computer Science, Institute
		  of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University"}
@string{rs    =	"Research Series"}
@string{ns    =	"Notes Series"}
@string{ls    =	"Lecture Series"}
@string{ds    =	"Dissertation Series"}

  author =	 "Jensen, Mikkel T.",
  title =	 "Robust and Flexible Scheduling with
                  Evolutionary Computation", 
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-10",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 nov,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. xii+299~pp",
  abstract =	 "Over the last ten years, there have been numerous applications of
evolutionary algorithms to a variety of scheduling problems. Like most
other research on heuristic scheduling, the primary aim of the
research has been on deterministic formulations of the problems. This
is in contrast to real world scheduling problems which are usually not
deterministic. Usually at the time the schedule is made some
information about the problem and processing environment is available,
but this information is uncertain and likely to change during schedule
execution. Changes frequently encountered in scheduling environments
include machine breakdowns, uncertain processing times, workers
getting sick, materials being delayed and the appearance of new jobs.
These possible environmental changes mean that a schedule which was
optimal for the information available at the time of scheduling can
end up being highly suboptimal when it is implemented and subjected to
the uncertainty of the real world. For this reason it is very
important to find methods capable of creating \textit{robust}
schedules (schedules expected to perform well after a minimal amount
of modification when the environment changes) or \textit{flexible}
schedules (schedules expected to perform well after some degree of
modification when the environment changes).\bibpar

This thesis presents two fundamentally different approaches for
scheduling job shops facing machine breakdowns. The first method is
called \textit{neighbourhood based robustness} and is based on an idea
of minimising the cost of a neighbourhood of schedules. The scheduling
algorithm attempts to find a small set of schedules with an acceptable
level of performance. The approach is demonstrated to significantly
improve the robustness and flexibility of the schedules while at the
same time producing schedules with a low implementation cost if no
breakdown occurs. The method is compared to a state of the art method
for stochastic scheduling and concluded to have the same level of
performance, but a wider area of applicability. The current
implementation of the method is based on an evolutionary algorithm,
but since the real contribution of the method is a new performance
measure, other implementations could be based on tabu search,
simulated annealing or other powerful ``blind'' optimisation

The other method for stochastic scheduling uses the idea of
coevolution to create schedules with a guaranteed worst case
performance for a known set of scenarios. The method is demonstrated
to improve worst case performance of the schedules when compared to
ordinary scheduling; it substantially reduces program running times
when compared to a more standard approach explicitly considering all
scenarios. Schedules based on worst case performance measures often
have suboptimal performance if no disruption happens, so the
coevolutionary algorithm is combined with a multi-objective algorithm
which optimises worst case performance as well as performance without

The coevolutionary worst case algorithm is also combined with another
algorithm to create schedules with a guaranteed level of \textit{worst
deviation performance}. In worst deviation performance the objective
is to minimise the highest possible performance difference from the
schedule optimal for the scenario that actually takes place.
Minimising this kind of performance measure involves solving a large
number of related scheduling problems in one run, so a new
evolutionary algorithm for this kind of problem is suggested.\bibpar

Other contributions of the thesis include a new coevolutionary
algorithm for minimax problems. The new algorithm is capable of
solving problems with an asymmetric property that causes previously
published algorithms to fail. Also, a new algorithm to solve the
economic lot and delivery scheduling problem is presented. The new
algorithm is guaranteed to solve the problem to optimality in
polynomial time, something previously published algorithms have not
been able to do",
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  author =	 "Rodler, Flemming Friche",
  title =	 "Compression with Fast Random Access",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-9",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 nov,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. xiv+124~pp",
  abstract =	 "
The main topic of this dissertation is the development and use of
methods for space efficient storage of data combined with fast
retrieval. By fast retrieval we mean that a single data element can be
randomly selected and decoded efficiently. In particular, the focus
will be on compression of volumetric data with fast random access to
individual voxels, decoded from the compressed data.\bibpar

Volumetric data is finding widespread use in areas such as medical
imaging, scientific visualization, simulations and fluid
dynamics. Because of the size of modern volumes, using such data sets
in uncompressed form is often only possible on computers with
extensive amounts of memory. By designing compression methods for
volumetric data that support fast random access this problem might be
overcome. Since lossless compression of three-dimensional data only
provides relatively small compression ratios, lossy techniques must be
used. When designing compression methods with fast random access there
is a choice between designing general schemes that will work for a
wide range of applications or to tailor the compression algorithm to a
specific application at hand. This dissertation we be concerned with
designing general methods and we present two methods for volumetric
compression with fast random access. The methods are compared to other
existing schemes showing them to be quite competitive.\bibpar

The first compression method that we present is suited for online
compression. That is, the data can be compressed as it is downloaded
utilizing only a small buffer. Inspired by video coding the volume is
considered as a stack of slices. To remove redundancies between slices
a simple ``motion estimation'' technique is used. Redundancies are
further reduced by wavelet transforming each slice using a
two-dimensional wavelet transform. Finally, the wavelet data is
thresholded and the resulting sparse representation is quantized and
encoded using a nested block indexing scheme, which allows for
efficient retrieval of coefficients. While being only slightly slower
than other existing schemes the method improves the compression ratio
by about 50\%.\bibpar

As a tool for constructing fast and efficient compression methods that
support fast random access we introduce the concept of lossy
dictionaries and show how to use it to achieve significant
improvements in compressing volumetric data. The dictionary data
structure is widely used in computer science as a tool for space
efficient storage of sparse sets. The main performance parameters of
dictionaries are space, lookup time and update time. In this
dissertation we present a new and efficient dictionary scheme, based
on hashing, called {\sc Cuckoo Hashing}. {\sc Cuckoo Hashing} achieves
worst case constant lookup time, expected amortized constant update
time and space usage of three words per element stored in the
dictionary, i.e., the space usage is similar to that of binary search
trees. Running extensive experiments we show {\sc Cuckoo Hashing} to
be very competitive to the most commonly used dictionary
methods. Since these methods have nontrivial worst case lookup time
{\sc Cuckoo Hashing} is useful in time critical systems where such a
guarantee is mandatory.\bibpar

Even though, time efficient dictionaries with a reasonable space usage
exist, the space usage of these are still too large to be of use in
lossy compression. However, if the dictionary is allowed to store a
slightly different set than intended, new and interesting
possibilities originate. Very space efficient and fast data structures
can be constructed by allowing the dictionary to discard some elements
of the set (false negatives) and also allowing it to include elements
not in the set (false positives). The lossy dictionary we present in
this dissertation is a variant of {\sc Cuckoo Hashing} which results
in fast lookup time. We show that our data structure is nearly optimal
with respect to space usage. Experimentally, we find that the data
structure has very good behavior with respect to keeping the most
important elements of the set which is partially explained by
theoretical considerations. Besides working well in compression our
lossy dictionary data structure might find use in applications such as
web cache sharing and differential files.\bibpar",
abstract1 ="
In the second volumetric compression method with fast random access
that we present in this dissertation, we look at a completely
different and rather unexploited way of encoding wavelet
coefficients. In wavelet based compression it is common to store the
coefficients of largest magnitude, letting all other coefficients be
zero. However, the new method presented allows a slightly different
set of coefficients to be stored. The foundation of the method is a
three-dimensional wavelet transform of the volume and the lossy
dictionary data structure that we introduce. Comparison to other
previously suggested schemes in the literature, including the
two-dimensional scheme mentioned above, shows an improvement of up to
80\% in compression ratio while the time for accessing a random voxel
is considerably reduced compared to the first method",
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  author =	 "Damgaard, Niels",
  title =	 "Using Theory to Make Better Tools",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-8",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 oct,
  note =	 "PhD thesis",
  abstract =	 "
In this dissertation four tools based on theory will be presented. The
tools fall in four quite different areas.\bibpar

The first tool is an extension of parser generators, enabling them to
handle side constraints along with grammars. The side constraints are
specified in a first-order logic on parse trees. The constraints are
compiled into equivalent tree automata, which result in good runtime
performance of the generated checkers. The tool is based on language
theory, automata theory and logic.\bibpar

The second tool is a static checker of assembly code for
interrupt-based microcontrollers. The tool gives lower and upper
bounds on the stack height, checks an implicit type-system and
calculates the worst-case delay from an interrupt fires until it is
handled. The tool is based on the theory of data-flow analysis.\bibpar

The third 'tool' is a security extension of a system ({\tt}) for
making interactive web-services. The extension provides
confidentiality, integrity and authenticity in the communication
between the client and the server. Furthermore, some primitives are
introduced to ease the programming of cryptological protocols, like
digital voting and e-cash, in the {\tt} language. The extension
uses the theory of cryptography.\bibpar

The fourth tool is a black-box system for finding neural networks good
at solving a given classification problem. Back-propagation is used to
train the neural network, but the rest of the parameters are found by
a distributed genetic-algorithm. The tool uses the theory of neural
networks and genetic algorithms",
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  author =	 "Nielsen, Lasse R.",
  title =	 "A Study of Defunctionalization and
                  Continuation-Passing Style",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-7",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 aug,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. iv+280~pp",
  abstract =	 "

We show that defunctionalization and continuations unify a variety of
independently developed concepts in programming languages.\bibpar

Defunctionalization was introduced by Reynolds to solve a specific
need---representing higher-order functions in a first-order
definitional interpreter---but it is a general method for transforming
programs from higher-order programs to first-order. We formalize this
method and give it a partial proof of correctness. We use
defunctionalization to connect independent first-order and
higher-order specifications and proofs by, e.g., defunctionalizing

The canonical specification of a continuation-passing style (CPS)
transformation introduces many administrative redexes. To show a
simulation theorem, Plotkin used a so-called colon-translation to
bypass administrative reductions and relate the reductions common to
the transformed and the un-transformed program. This allowed him to
make a proof by structural induction on the source program. We extend
the colon-translation and Plotkin's proof to show simulation theorems
for a higher-order CPS transformation, written in a two-level
language, and for a selective CPS transformation, keeping parts of the
source program in direct style.\bibpar

Using, e.g., Plotkin's CPS transformation and then performing all
possible administrative reductions gives a so-called two-pass CPS
transformation. A one-pass CPS transformation gives the same result
but without traversing the output. Several different one-pass CPS
transformations exist, and we describe, evaluate, and compare three of
these: (1) A higher-order CPS transformation {\`a} la Danvy and
Filinski, (2) a syntactic-theory based CPS transformation derived from
Sabry and Felleisen's CPS transformation, and (3) a look-ahead based
CPS transformation which extends the colon-translation to a full
one-pass CPS transformation and is new. This look-ahead based CPS
transformation is not compositional, but it allows reasoning by
structural induction, which we use to prove the correctness of a
direct-style transformation.\bibpar

Syntactic theories are a framework for specifying operational
semantics that uses evaluation contexts to define a reduction
relation. The two primary operations needed to implement syntactic
theories are decomposing an expression into an evaluation context and
a redex, and plugging an expression into an evaluation context to
generate an expression. If implemented separately, these operations
each take time proportional to the size of the evaluation context,
which can cause a quadratic overhead on the processing of
programs. However, in actual use of syntactic theories, the two
operations mostly occur consecutively. We define a single function,
`refocus', that combines these operations and that avoids unnecessary
overhead, thereby deforesting the composition of plugging and
decomposition. We prove the correctness of refocusing and we show how
to automatically generate refocus functions from a syntactic theory
with unique decomposition.\bibpar

We connect defunctionalization and Church encoding. Church encoding
represents data-structures as functions and defunctionalization
represents functions as data-structures, and we show to which extent
they are inverses of each other.\bibpar

We use defunctionalization to connect a higher-order CPS
transformation and a syntactic-theory based CPS
transformation. Defunctionalizing the static continuations of the
higher-order transformation gives exactly the evaluation contexts of
the syntactic theory.\bibpar

We combine CPS transformation and defunctionalization to automatically
generate data structures implementing evaluation
contexts.Defunctionalizing the continuations of a CPS-transformed
reduction function yields the evaluation contexts and their plug
function---corresponding to the traditional view of continuations as a
representation of the context. Defunctionalizing the continuations of
a CPS-transformed evaluation function yields the evaluation contexts
and the refocus functions---corresponding to the traditional view of
continuations as a representation of the remainder of the
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  author =	 "Grobauer, Bernd",
  title =	 "Topics in Semantics-based Program Manipulation",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-6",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 aug,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. ii+x+186~pp",
  abstract =	 "
Programming is at least as much about manipulating existing code as it
is about writing new code. Existing code is {\em modified}, for
example to make inefficient code run faster, or to accommodate for new
features when reusing code; existing code is {\em analyzed}, for
example to verify certain program properties, or to use the analysis
information for code modifications. Semantics-based program
manipulation addresses methods for program modifications and program
analyses that are formally defined and therefore can be verified with
respect to the programming-language semantics. This dissertation
comprises four articles in the field of semantics-based techniques for
program manipulation: three articles are about {\em partial
evaluation}, a method for program specialization; the fourth article
treats an approach to {\em automatic cost analysis}.\bibpar

Partial evaluation optimizes programs by specializing them with
respect to parts of their input that are already known: Computations
that depend only on known input are carried out during partial
evaluation, whereas computations that depend on unknown input give
rise to residual code. For example, partially evaluating an
interpreter with respect to a program written in the interpreted
language yields code that carries out the computations described by
that program; partial evaluation is used to remove interpretive
overhead. In effect, the partial evaluator serves as a compiler from
the interpreted language into the implementation language of the
interpreter. Compilation by partial evaluation is known as the first
{\em Futamura projection}. The second and third Futamura projection
describe the use of partial evaluation for compiler generation and
compiler-generator generation, respectively; both require the partial
evaluator that is employed to be {\em self applicable}.\bibpar

The first article in this dissertation describes how the second
Futamura projection can be achieved for type-directed partial
evaluation (TDPE), a relatively recent approach to partial evaluation:
We derive an ML implementation of the second Futamura projection for
TDPE. Due to the differences between `traditional', syntax-directed
partial evaluation and TDPE, this derivation involves several
conceptual and technical steps. These include a suitable formulation
of the second Futamura projection and techniques for making TDPE
amenable to self-application.\bibpar

In the second article, compilation by partial evaluation plays a
central role for giving a unified approach to goal-directed
evaluation, a programming-language paradigm that is built on the
notions of backtracking and of generating successive
results. Formulating the semantics of a small goal-directed language
as a {\em monadic} semantics---a generic approach to structuring
denotational semantics---allows us to relate various possible
semantics to each other both conceptually and formally. We thus are
able to explain goal-directed evaluation using an intuitive list-based
semantics, while using a continuation semantics for semantics-based
compilation through partial evaluation. The resulting code is
comparable to that produced by an optimized compiler described in the

The third article revisits one of the success stories of partial
evaluation, the generation of efficient string matchers from intuitive
but inefficient implementations. The basic idea is that specializing a
naive string matcher with respect to a pattern string should result in
a matcher that searches a text for this pattern with running time
independent of the pattern and linear in the length of the text. In
order to succeed with basic partial-evaluation techniques, the naive
matcher has to be modified in a non-trivial way, carrying out
so-called {\em binding-time improvements}. We present a step-by-step
derivation of a binding-time improved matcher consisting of one
problem-dependent step followed by standard binding-time
improvements. We also consider several variants of matchers that
specialize well, amongst them the first such matcher presented in the
literature, and we demonstrate how variants can be derived from each
other systematically.\bibpar

The fourth article is concerned with program analysis rather than
program transformation. A challenging goal for program analysis is to
extract information about time or space complexity from a program. In
complexity analysis, one often establishes {\em cost recurrences} as
an intermediate step, and this step requires an abstraction from data
to data size. We use information contained in dependent types to
achieve such an abstraction: Dependent ML (DML), a conservative
extension of ML, provides dependent types that can be used to
associate data with size information, thus describing a possible
abstraction. We automatically extract cost recurrences from
first-order DML programs, guiding the abstraction from data to data
size with information contained in DML type derivations",
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  author =	 "Damian, Daniel",
  title =	 "On Static and Dynamic Control-Flow Information in
                  Program Analysis and Transformation",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-5",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 aug,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. xii+111~pp",
  abstract =	 "
This thesis addresses several aspects of static and dynamic
control-flow information in programming languages, by investigating
its interaction with program transformation and program

Control-flow information indicates for each point in a program the
possible program points to be executed next.  Control-flow information
in a program may be static, as when the syntax of the program directly
determines which parts of the program may be executed
next. Control-flow information may be dynamic, as when run-time values
and inputs of the program are required to determine which parts of the
program may be executed next. A control-flow analysis approximates the
dynamic control-flow information with conservative static control-flow

We explore the impact of a continuation-passing-style (CPS)
transformation on the result of a constraint-based control-flow
analysis over Moggi's computational metalanguage. A CPS transformation
makes control-flow explicitly available to the program by abstracting
the remainder of the computation into a continuation. Moggi's
computational metalanguage supports reasoning about higher-order
programs in the presence of computational effects. We show that a
non-duplicating CPS transformation does not alter the result of a
monovariant constraint-based control-flow analysis.\bibpar

Building on control-flow analysis, we show that traditional
constraint-based binding-time analysis and traditional partial
evaluation benefit from the effects of a CPS transformation, while the
same CPS transformation does not affect continuation-based partial
evaluation and its corresponding binding-time analysis. As an
intermediate result, we show that reducing a program in the
computational metalanguage to monadic normal form also improves
binding times for traditional partial evaluation while it does not
affect continuation-based partial evaluation.\bibpar

In addition, we show that linear $\beta$-reductions have no effect on
control-flow analysis. As a corollary, we solve a problem left open in
Palsberg and Wand's CPS transformation of flow information. Furthermore,
using Danvy and Nielsen's first-order, one-pass CPS transformation, we
present a simpler CPS transformation of flow information with a simpler
correctness proof.\bibpar

We continue by exploring Shivers's time-stamps-based technique for
approximating program analyses over programs with dynamic control flow.
We formalize a time-stamps-based algorithm for approximating the least
fixed point of a generic program analysis over higher-order programs,
and we prove its correctness.\bibpar

We conclude by investigating the translation of first-order structured
programs into first-order unstructured programs.  We present a one-pass
translation that integrates static control-flow information and that
produces programs containing no chains of jumps, no unused labels, and
no redundant labels",
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  author =	 "Rhiger, Morten",
  title =	 "Higher-Order Program Generation",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-4",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 aug,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. xiv+144~pp",
  abstract =	 "
This dissertation addresses the challenges of embedding programming
languages, specializing generic programs to specific parameters, and
generating specialized instances of programs directly as executable
code. Our main tools are higher-order programming techniques and
automatic program generation. It is our thesis that they synergize
well in the development of customizable software.\bibpar

Recent research on domain-specific languages propose to embed them
into existing general-purpose languages. Typed higher-order languages
have proven especially useful as meta languages because they provide a
rich infrastructure of higher-order functions, types, and
modules. Furthermore, it has been observed that embedded programs can
be restricted to those having simple types using a technique called
``phantom types''. We prove, using an idealized higher-order language,
that such an embedding is sound (i.e., when all object-language terms
that can be embedded into the meta language are simply typed) and that
it is complete (i.e., when all simply typed object-language terms can
be embedded into the meta language). The soundness proof is shown by
induction over meta-language terms using a Kripke logical
relation. The completeness proof is shown by induction over
object-language terms. Furthermore, we address the use of Haskell and
Standard ML as meta-languages.\bibpar

Normalization functions, as embodied in type-directed partial
evaluation, map a simply-typed higher-order value into a
representation of its long beta-eta normal form. However, being
dynamically typed, the original Scheme implementation of type-directed
partial evaluation does not restrict input values to be typed at
all. Furthermore, neither the original Scheme implementation nor the
original Haskell implementation guarantee that type-directed partial
evaluation preserves types. We present three implementations of
type-directed partial evaluation in Haskell culminating with a version
that restricts the input to typed values and for which the proofs of
type-preservation and normalization are automated.\bibpar

Partial evaluation provides a solution to the disproportion between
general programs that can be executed in several contexts and their
specialized counterparts that can be executed efficiently. However,
stand-alone partial evaluation is usually too costly when a program
must be specialized at run time. We introduce a collection of
byte-code combinators for OCaml, a dialect of ML, that provides
run-time code generation for OCaml programs. We apply these byte-code
combinators in semantics-directed compilation for an imperative
language and in run-time specialization using type-directed partial

Finally, we present an approach to compiling goal-directed programs,
i.e., programs that backtrack and generate successive results: We
first specify the semantics of a goal-directed language using a
monadic semantics and a spectrum of monads. We then compile
goal-directed programs by specializing their interpreter (i.e., by
using the first Futamura projection), using type-directed partial
evaluation. Through various back ends, including a run-time code
generator, we generate ML code, C code, and OCaml byte code",
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  author =	 "Hune, Thomas S.",
  title =	 "Analyzing Real-Time Systems: Theory and Tools",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-3",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 mar,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. xii+265~pp",
  abstract =	 "The main topic of this dissertation is the development and use of
methods for formal reasoning about the correctness of real-time
systems, in particular methods and tools to handle new classes of
problems. In real-time systems the correctness of the system does not
only depend on the order in which actions take place, but also the
timing of the actions. The formal reasoning presented here is based on
(extensions of) the model of timed automata and tools supporting this
model, mainly {\sc Uppaal}. Real-time systems are often part of safety
critical systems e.g.\ control systems for planes, trains, or factories,
though also everyday electronics as audio/video equipment and (mobile)
phones are considered real-time systems. Often these systems are
concurrent systems with a number of components interacting, and
reasoning about such systems is notoriously difficult. However, since
most of the systems are either safety critical or errors in the
systems are costly, ensuring correctness is very important, and hence
formal reasoning can play a role in increasing the reliability of
real-time systems",
  abstract1 =	 "\bibpar
We present two classes of cost extended timed automata, where a cost
is associated to an execution of the automaton. We show that
calculating the minimum cost of reaching a location in the automaton,
the minimum-cost reachability problem, is decidable for both
classes. Since a number of optimization problems, e.g.\ scheduling
problems in a natural way, can be modeled using cost extended timed
automata, we can now solve these problems using extensions of timed
model checkers. The state-space of the simpler class, {\em uniformly
priced timed automata} (UPTA), which is a subclass of {\em linearly
priced timed automata} (LPTA), can effectively be represented using a
slightly modified version of the well known difference bounded matrix
(DBM) data-structure for representing zones, used in most timed model
checkers. Using an extension of the region construction, the
minimum-cost reachability problem can also be solved for
LPTAs. However, the standard way of using zones for representing the
state-space cannot be used for LPTAs, since there is no way of
capturing the cost of states. Based on the notion of facets, zones can
be split into smaller zones which can be represented by extended DBMs
in an effective way. Minimum-cost reachability for both UPTAs and
LPTAs have been implemented in extensions of {\sc Uppaal}, and
successfully tested on a number of case studies. In particular, part
of the Sidmar steel production plant, which is a case study of the
Esprit VHS project, has been studied. Schedulability, without
considering cost and optimality, has also been addressed using
standard timed automata and {\sc Uppaal}. In order to solve the
schedulability problem in {\sc Uppaal}{} it proved crucial to add a
number of {\em guides} to the model, in order to limit the search
space. In the cost extended versions of {\sc Uppaal}, guiding in terms
of changing the order in which states are searched has also been used,
and shown to be effective both for finding solutions to optimization
problems and in ordinary timed model checking",
  abstract2 =	 "\bibpar
The second extension of timed automata is parametric timed automata,
where parameters can be used in expressions for guards and
invariants. We consider the problem of synthesizing values for the
parameters ensuring satisfiability of reachability properties. Since
there are in most cases infinitely many values ensuring that a
property is satisfied, the result is presented in terms of constraints
for the parameters. We present a semi-decision procedure synthesizing
the constraints. The problem of synthesizing constraints for the
parameters has been show to be undecidable. To represent the
state-space we extend the DBM data-structure to parametric DBMs,
capable of representing zones were the bounds are given by expressions
including parameters. The semi-decision procedure is implemented in
{\sc Uppaal}{} and constraints ensuring correctness of a number of
industrial protocols is synthesized.\bibpar

Since (timed) reachability checking requires large amounts of
resources in terms of memory and CPU time, we have studied the
possibility of distributing the reachability checking to a network of
computers. We have implemented a distributed version of {\sc Uppaal}{}
and tested it on a number of the largest known case studies for {\sc
Uppaal}. Not only did we achieve effective usage of all the connected
computers (close to linear speedup in the number of computers) we also
discovered that the breadth-first search order, which previously has
been considered to be the best known, is not optimal.\bibpar

We apply the general categorical framework of {\em open maps} to timed
automata by presenting a category where the elements are timed
automata, and a subcategory suitably for representing observations,
timed words.  Following the framework, maps in the category can be
seen as simulations, and two timed automata $\mathcal{A}$ and
$\mathcal{B}$ are timed bisimilar if and only if there exists a timed
automaton $\mathcal{C}$ and open maps $\mathcal{C} \rightarrow
\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{B}$. We show that
this notion of timed bisimulation coincides with the know notion of
timed bisimulation, and using the region construction show that the
bisimulation is decidable.\bibpar

Building timed automata models of systems can be an error prone and
time consuming task. We address this problem by presenting a
translation from a low level programming language used in the
programmable LEGO$^{\ooalign{\hfil\raise.07ex\hbox{\scriptsize
R}\hfil\cr\cr\mathhexbox20D}}$ RCX$^{\sf T\!M}$ brick to timed
automata. Programs for the RCX$^{\sf T\!M}$ brick can consist of
several tasks running concurrently. Therefore an important part of the
model of the program is a model of the scheduler. The translation has
been implemented and tested on a control program for a car.\bibpar

Finally, we consider a kind of partial program synthesis for untimed
systems. Given a safety specification written in monadic second order
logic, we use the {\sf Mona} tool to derive an automaton accepting the
language of the specification. The automaton is used to restrict the
executions of a handwritten control program, ensuring that the safety
requirements are met. To demonstrate the approach we consider a
control program for a crane, written for the RCX$^{\sf T\!M}$
brick. We also discuss more generally what should happen when there is
a conflict between the actions of the control program and the
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  author =	 "Pagter, Jakob",
  title =	 "Time-Space Trade-Offs",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-2",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 mar,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. xii+83~pp",
  abstract =	 "
In this dissertation we investigate the complexity of the time-space
trade-off for sorting, element distinctness, and similar problems. We
contribute new results, techniques, tools, and definitions pertaining
to time-space trade-offs for the RAM (Random Access Machine),
including new tight upper bounds on the time-space trade-off for Sorting
in a variety of RAM models and a strong time-space trade-off lower
bound for a decision problem in the RAM (in fact the branching
program) model. We thus contribute to the general understanding of a
number of fundamental combinatorial problems.\bibpar

Time and space are the two most fundamental resources studied in the
areas of algorithms and computational complexity theory and it is
clearly important to study how they are related. In 1966 Cobham
founded the area of time-space trade-offs by formally proving the
first time-space trade-off---for the language of palindromes, i.e., a
formulae that relate time and space in the form of either an upper or
a lower bound---in this case $T\mathbin{\cdot}S\in\Theta(n^2)$.  Over
the last thirty five years the area of time-space trade-offs has
developed significantly and now constitutes its own branch of
algorithms and computational complexity.\bibpar

The area of time-space trade-offs deals with both upper and lower
bounds and both are interesting, theoretically as well as practically.
The viewpoint of this dissertation is theoretical, but we believe that
some of our results can find applications in practice as well.\bibpar

The last four years has witnessed a number of significant
breakthroughs on proving lower bounds for decision problems, including
the first non-trivial lower bound on the unit-cost RAM. We generalize
work of Ajtai and prove the quantitatively best known lower bound in
this model, namely a $\Omega(n\lg n/\lg\lg n)$ bound on time for any
RAM deciding the so-called Hamming distance problem in space $n^{1-\epsilon}$.\bibpar

For non-decision problems, i.e., problems with multiple outputs, much
stron\-ger results are known. For Sorting, a fundamental problem in
computer science, Beame proved that for any RAM the time-space product
satisfies $T\mathbin{\cdot}S\in\Omega(n^2)$. We prove that this bound
is in fact tight (for most time functions), i.e., we show a
$T\mathbin{\cdot}S\in O(n^2)$ upper bound for time between
$O(n(\lg\lg n)^2)$ and (roughly) $O(n^2)$. If we allow
randomization in the Las Vegas fashion the lower bound still holds,
and in this case we can meet it down to $O(n\lg\lg n)$.\bibpar

From a practical perspective hierarchical memory layout models are the
most interesting. Such models are called external memory models, in
contrast to the internal memory models discussed above. Despite the
fact that space might be of great relevance when solving practical
problems on real computers, no theoretical model capturing space (and
time simultaneously) has been defined. We introduce such a model and
use it to prove so-called IO-space trade-offs for Sorting.  Building on
the abovementioned techniques for time-space efficient internal memory
Sorting, we develop the first IO-space efficient external memory Sorting
algorithms.  Further, we prove that these algorithms are optimal using
a transformation result which allows us to deduce external memory
lower bounds (on IO-space trade-offs) from already known internal
memory lower bounds (such as that of Beame)",
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  author =	 "Dziembowski, Stefan",
  title =	 "Multiparty Computations ---
                  Information-Theoretically Secure Against an Adaptive
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2001,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-01-1",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 jan,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. 109~pp",
  abstract =	 "
In this thesis we study a problem of doing Verifiable Secret Sharing
(VSS) and Multiparty Computations in a model where private channels
between the players and a broadcast channel is available.  The
adversary is active, adaptive and has an unbounded computing power.
The thesis is based on two papers [1,2].\bibpar

In [1] we assume that the adversary can corrupt any set from a given
{\em adversary} structure.  In this setting we study a problem of
doing efficient VSS and MPC given an access to a secret sharing scheme
(SS).  For all adversary structures where VSS is possible at all, we
show that, up to a polynomial time black-box reduction, the complexity
of adaptively secure VSS is the same as that of ordinary secret
sharing (SS), where security is only required against a passive,
static adversary.  Previously, such a connection was only known for
linear secret sharing and VSS schemes.\bibpar

We then show an impossibility result indicating that a similar
equivalence does not hold for Multiparty Computation (MPC): we show
that even if protocols are given black-box access for free to an
idealized secret sharing scheme secure for the access structure in
question, it is not possible to handle all relevant access structures
efficiently, not even if the adversary is passive and static.  In
other words, general MPC can only be black-box reduced efficiently to
secret sharing if extra properties of the secret sharing scheme used
(such as linearity) are assumed.\bibpar

The protocols of [2] assume that we work against a {\em threshold}
adversary structure.  We propose new VSS and MPC protocols that are
substantially more efficient than the ones previously known.\bibpar

Another contribution of [2] is an attack against a Weak Secret Sharing
Protocol (WSS) of [3].  The attack exploits the fact that the
adversary is adaptive.  We present this attack here and discuss other
problems caused by the adaptiveness.\bibpar

All protocols in the thesis are formally specified and the proofs of
their security are given.

    Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damg{\aa}rd, Stefan Dziembowski, Martin Hirt, and Tal
    Rabin. Efficient multiparty computations with dishonest minority.
    In Advances in Cryptology --- Eurocrypt '99, volume 1592 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 311--326, 1999.

    Ronald Cramer, Ivan Damg{\aa}rd, and Stefan Dziembowski.
    On the complexity of verifiable secret sharing and multiparty computation.
    In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual ACM Symposium on
    Theory of Computing, pages 25--334, May 2000.

    Tal Rabin and Michael Ben-Or. Verifiable secret sharing and
    multiparty protocols with honest majority (extended abstract). In
    Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of
    Computing, pages 73--85, Seattle, Washington, 15--17 May
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