Usage: java dk.brics.schematools.Main [ARG...] Validation arguments: -i -s [-t ] [-ri ] [-rs ] Conversion arguments: -i -o [-ri ] [-xs] -i and -ri: specify the input to be validated or converted -s, -rs, and -t: specify what to validate against (in validation mode) -o: specifies the output (in conversion mode) -xs: outputs Restricted RELAX NG schema in non-simplified XML syntax (default is simplified and compact syntax) is one of the following: document XML document template XML template rrng Restricted RELAX NG schema (XML syntax) xsd XML Schema schemas (with this input type, more than one schema may be specified) dtd DTD schema xg XML graph in serialized XML format (local file system path) is one of the following: rrng Restricted RELAX NG schema dot XML graph in graphviz dot format xg XML graph in serialized XML format is a URL or a local file system path is local file system path is a schema type name from the second schema (only for rrng and xsd) is an element name on the form {namespaceURI}localname (only for xsd and dtd) With -sxg, it is implicitly assumed that the XML graph corresponds to a Restricted RELAX NG schema. Debug info can be enabled with -Ddk.brics.schematools.debug= Examples: -idocument foo.xml -sxsd bar.xsd validates the XML document foo.xml relative to the XML Schema schema bar.xsd -idocument foo.xml -sxsd bar.xsd -rs {http://bar}e validates the XML document foo.xml relative to the XML Schema schema bar.xsd, requiring the root e from the namespace http://bar -idocument foo.xml -sxsd bar.xsd -t baz validates the XML document foo.xml relative to the schema type baz from the XML Schema schema bar.xsd -ixsd foo.xsd -srrng bar.rng checks that validity relative to the XML Schema schema foo.xsd implies validity relative to the Restricted RELAX NG schema bar.rng -ixsd foo.xsd -orrng foo.rnc converts the schema foo.xsd from XML Schema to Restricted RELAX NG and stores it in foo.rnc -ixsd foo.xsd -oxg bar.xg converts the XML Schema schema foo.xsd to an XML graph and stores it in XML format in bar.xg