@string{brics =	"{BRICS}"}
@string{daimi =	"Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus"}
@string{iesd  =	"Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Aalborg University"}
@string{rs    =	"Research Series"}
@string{ns    =	"Notes Series"}
@string{ls    =	"Lecture Series"}
@string{ds    =	"Dissertation Series"}

  author = 	 "Bra{\"u}ner, Torben",
  title = 	 "Introduction to Linear Logic",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1996,
  type = 	 ls,
  number = 	 "LS-96-6",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note =	 "iiiv+55~pp",
  abstract =	 "The main concern of this report is to give an
		  introduction to Linear Logic. For pedagogical purposes we
		  shall also have a look at Classical Logic as well as
		  Intuitionistic Logic. Linear Logic was introduced by
		  J.-Y. Girard in 1987 and it has attracted much attention
		  from computer scientists, as it is a logical way of
		  coping with resources and resource control.  The focus of
		  this technical report will be on proof-theory and
		  computational interpretation of proofs, that is, we will
		  focus on the question of how to interpret proofs as
		  programs and reduction (cut-elimination) as
		  evaluation. We first introduce Classical Logic. This is
		  the fundamental idea of the proofs-as-programs
		  paradigm. Cut-elimination for Classical Logic is highly
		  non-deterministic; it is shown how this can be remedied
		  either by moving to Intuitionistic Logic or to Linear
		  Logic.  In the case on Linear Logic we consider
		  Intuitionistic Linear Logic as well as Classical Linear
		  Logic. Furthermore, we take a look at the Girard
		  Translation translating Intuitionistic Logic into
		  Intuitionistic Linear Logic. Also, we give a brief
		  introduction to some concrete models of Intuitionistic
		  Linear Logic. No proofs will be given except that a proof
		  of cut-elimination for the multiplicative fragment of
		  Classical Linear Logic is included in an appendix
	     	  \item[1] Classical and Intuitionistic Logic
	     	    \item[1.1] Classical Logic
	     	    \item[1.2] Intuitionistic Logic
	     	    \item[1.3] The $\lambda $-Calculus
	     	  \item[1.4] The Curry-Howard Isomorphism
	     	  \item[2] Linear Logic
	     	    \item[2.1] Classical Linear Logic
	     	    \item[2.2] Intuitionistic Linear Logic
	     	    \item[2.3] A Digression - Russell's Paradox and Linear
	     	    \item[2.4] The Linear $\lambda $-Calculus
	     	    \item[2.5] The Curry-Howard Isomorphism
	     	    \item[2.6] The Girard Translation
	     	    \item[2.7] Concrete Models
	     	  \item[A] Logics
	     	    \item[A.1] Classical Logic
	     	    \item[A.2] Intuitionistic Logic
	     	    \item[A.3] Classical Linear Logic
	     	    \item[A.4] Intuitionistic Linear Logic
	     	  \item[B] Cut-Elimination for Classical Linear Logic
	     	    \item[B.2] Putting the Proof Together
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  author = 	 "Dubhashi, Devdatt P.",
  title = 	 "What Can't You Do With LP?",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1996,
  type = 	 ls,
  number = 	 "LS-96-5",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note =	 "viii+23~pp",
  abstract =	 "These notes from the BRICS course ``Pearls of Theory''
		  are an introduction to Linear Programming and its use in
		  solving problems in Combinatorics and in the design and
		  analysis of algorithms for combinatorial problems.
	     	  \item[1] Dr.\ Cheng's Diet and LP
	     	  \item[2] LP versus NP: A Panacea?
	     	  \item[3] Duality
	     	  \item[4] Linear versus Integer
	     	  \item[5] Luck: Unimodularity
	     	  \item[6] Rounding
	     	  \item[7] Randomised Rounding
	     	  \item[8] Primal--Dual
	     	  \item[9] If You Want to Prospect for more Pearls ...
	     	  \item[10] Problems
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  author = 	 "Skyum, Sven",
  title = 	 "A Non-Linear Lower Bound for Monotone Circuit
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1996,
  type = 	 ls,
  number = 	 "LS-96-4",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 dec,
  note = 	 "viii+14~pp",
  abstract = 	 "In complexity theory we are faced with the
                  frustrating situation that we are able to prove
                  very few non trivial lower bounds. In the area
                  of combinatorial complexity theory which this
                  note is about, the situation can be described
                  quite precisely in the sense that although
                  almost all functions are very complex (have
                  exponential circuit size), no one has been able
                  to prove any non-linear lower bounds for
                  explicitly given functions.\bibpar
                  One alley which is often taken is to restrict
                  the models to make larger lower bounds more
                  likely. Until 1985 no non-linear lower bounds
                  were known for monotone circuit size either
                  (the best lower bound was $4n$). In 1985,
                  Razborov [1] proved a {\em super polynomial}
                  lower bound for a specific family of Boolean
                  Razborov proved the following: 
                    Any family of monotone Boolean circuits
                    accepting graphs containing cliques of size
                    $\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor$ has super polynomial
                    size when the graphs are represented by their
                    incidence matrices. 
                  The main purpose of this note is to give a
                  ``simple'' version of Razborov's proof. This
                  leads to a weaker result but the proof contains
                  all the ingredients of Razborov's proof.\bibpar
                  We will prove: 
                    Any family of monotone Boolean circuits
                    accepting graphs containing cliques of size 3
                    ({\em triangles}) has size $\Omega(n^3/\log
                  In Section 1 we introduce Boolean functions and
                  the complexity model we are going to use,
                  namely {\em Boolean circuits}. In Section 2 the
                  appropriate definitions of graphs are given and
                  some combinatorial properties about them are
                  proven. Section 3 contains the proof of the
                  main result. 
                  \item[\mbox{[1]}] A.~A. Razborov: Lower bounds
                    on the monotone complexity of some Boolean
                    functions, {\em Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 281(4)
                    (1985) 798 - 801 (In Russian); English
                    translation in: Soviet Math. Dokl. 31 (1985)
                  \item[1]Boolean functions and circuits 
                  \item[2]Graphs and Combinatorial lemmas 
                  \item[3]Putting things together 
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  author = 	 "Rose, Kristoffer H.",
  title = 	 "Explicit Substitution -- Tutorial \& Survey",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1996,
  type = 	 ls,
  number = 	 "LS-96-3",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "v+150~pp",
  abstract = 	 "These lecture notes are from the BRICS
                  mini-course ``Explicit Substitution'' taught at
                  University of Aarhus, October 27, 1996.\bibpar
                  We give a coherent overview of the area of
                  explicit substitution and some applications.
                  The focus is on the {\em operational} or {\em
                  syntactic} side of things, in particular we
                  will not cover the areas of semantics and type
                  systems for explicit substitution calculi.
                  Emphasis is put on providing a universal
                  understanding of the very different techniques
                  used by various authors in the area.
                  \item[1]Explicit Substitution Rules 
                    \item[1.1]Explicit Substitution 
                    \item[1.2]Preservation of Strong
                      Normalisation (PSN) 
                  \item[2]Explicit Binding 
                    \item[2.1]Namefree $\lambda$-Calculus 
                    \item[2.2]Explicit Binding Variations for
                      Explicit Substitution 
                  \item[3]Explicit Addresses 
                    \item[3.1]$\lambda$-graphs and Explicit
                    \item[3.2]Explicit Substitution \& Sharing 
                  \item[4]Higher-Order Rewriting and Functional
                    \item[4.1]Combinatory Reduction Systems (CRS)
                    \item[4.2]Explicit Substitutes 
                    \item[4.3]Explicit Addresses 
                    \item[4.4]CRS and Functional Programs 
                  \item[5]Strategies and Abstract Machines 
                    \item[5.1]Strategies for $\lambda$-Calculus 
                    \item[5.2]Calculi for Weak Reduction with
                    \item[5.3]Reduction Strategies 
                    \item[5.4]Constructors and Recursion 
                    \item[5.5]A Space Leak Free Calculus 
                  \item[A]Appendices: Preliminaries 
                    \item[A.2]Inductive Notations 
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  author = 	 "Albers, Susanne",
  title = 	 "Competitive Online Algorithms",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1996,
  type = 	 ls,
  number = 	 "LS-96-2",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "iix+57 pp",
  abstract = 	 "These lecture notes are from the mini-course
                  ``Competitive Online Algorithms'' taught at
                  Aarhus University, August 27--29, 1996.\bibpar
                  The mini-course consisted of three lectures. In
                  the first lecture we gave basic definitions and
                  presented important techniques that are used in
                  the study on online algorithms. The paging
                  problem was always the running example to
                  explain and illustrate the material. We also
                  discussed the $k$-server problem, which is a
                  very well-studied generalization of the paging
                  The second lecture was concerned with
                  self-organizing data structures, in particular
                  self-organizing linear lists. We presented
                  results on deterministic and randomized online
                  algorithms. Furthermore, we showed that linear
                  lists can be used to build very effective data
                  compression schemes and reported on theoretical
                  as well as experimental results.\bibpar
                  In the third lecture we discussed three
                  application areas in which interesting online
                  problems arise. The areas were (1) distributed
                  data management, (2) scheduling and load
                  balancing, and (3) robot navigation and
                  exploration. In each of these fields we gave
                  some important results.
                  \item[1]Online algorithms and competitive
                    \item[1.1]Basic definitions 
                    \item[1.2]Results on deterministic paging
                  \item[2]Randomization in online algorithms 
                    \item[2.1]General concepts 
                    \item[2.2]Randomized paging algorithms
                      against oblivious adversaries 
                  \item[3]Proof techniques 
                    \item[3.1]Potential functions 
                    \item[3.2]Yao's minimax principle 
                  \item[4]The $k$-server problem 
                  \item[5]The list update problem 
                    \item[5.1]Deterministic online algorithms 
                    \item[5.2]Randomized online algorithms 
                    \item[5.3]Average case analyses of list
                      update algorithms 
                  \item[6]Data compression based on linear lists 
                    \item[6.1]Theoretical results 
                    \item[6.2]Experimental results 
                    \item[6.3]The compression algorithm by
                      Burrows and Wheeler 
                  \item[7]Distributed data management 
                    \item[7.1]Formal definition of migration and
                      replication problems 
                    \item[7.2]Page migration 
                    \item[7.3]Page replication 
                    \item[7.4]Page allocation 
                  \item[8]Scheduling and load balancing 
                    \item[8.2]Load balancing 
                  \item[9]Robot navigation and exploration 
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  author = 	 "Arge, Lars",
  title = 	 "External-Memory Algorithms with Applications
                  in Geographic Information Systems",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 1996,
  type = 	 ls,
  number = 	 "LS-96-1",
  address = 	 daimi,
  month = 	 sep,
  note = 	 "iix+53~pp",
  abstract = 	 "In the design of algorithms for large-scale applications
		  it is essential to consider the problem of minimizing
		  Input/Output (I/O) communication.  Geographical
		  information systems (GIS) are good examples of such
		  large-scale applications as they frequently handle huge
		  amounts of spatial data. In this note we survey the
		  recent developments in external-memory algorithms with
		  applications in GIS. First we discuss the Aggarwal-Vitter
		  I/O-model and illustrate why normal internal-memory
		  algorithms for even very simple problems can perform
		  terribly in an I/O-environment. Then we describe the
		  fundamental paradigms for designing I/O-efficient
		  algorithms by using them to design efficient sorting
		  algorithms. We then go on and survey external-memory
		  algorithms for computational geometry problems---with
		  special emphasis on problems with applications in
		  GIS---and techniques for designing such algorithms: Using
		  the orthogonal line segment intersection problem we
		  illustrate the {\em distribution-sweeping\/} and the {\em
		  buffer tree\/} techniques which can be used to solve a
		  large number of important problems.  Using the batched
		  range searching problem we introduce the {\em external
		  segment tree\/}. We also discuss an algorithm for the
		  reb/blue line segment intersection problem---an important
		  subproblem in map overlaying.  In doing so we introduce
		  the {\em batched filtering\/} and the {\em external
		  fractional cascading\/} techniques.  Finally, we shortly
		  describe TPIE---a Transparent Parallel I/O Environment
		  designed to allow programmers to write I/O-efficient

		  These lecture notes were made for the CISM Advanced
		  School on Algorithmic Foundations of Geographic
		  Information Systems, September 16--20, 1996, Udine,
	     	  \item[1] Introduction
	     	    \item[1.1] The Parallel Disk Model
	     	    \item[1.2] Outline
	     	  \item[2] RAM-Complexity and I/O-Complexity
	     	    \item[2.1] Fundamental External-Memory Bounds
	     	    \item[2.2] Summary
	     	  \item[3] Paradigms for Designing I/O-efficient Algorithms
	     	    \item[3.1] Merge Sort
	     	    \item[3.2] Distribution Sort
	     	    \item[3.3] Buffer Tree Sort
	     	    \item[3.4] Sorting on Parallel Disks
	     	    \item[3.5] Summary
	     	  \item[4] External-Memory Computational Geometry Algorithms
	     	    \item[4.1] The Orthogonal Line Segment Intersection Problem
	     	    \item[4.2] The Batched Range Searching Problem
	     	    \item[4.3] The Red/Blue Line Segment Intersection Problem
	     	    \item[4.4] Other External-Memory Computational Geometry
	     	    \item[4.5] Summary
	     	  \item[5] TPIE --- A Transparent Parallel I/O Environment
	     	  \item[6] Conclusions
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