@string{brics =	"{BRICS}"}
@string{daimi =	"Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus"}
@string{iesd  =	"Department of Computer Science, Institute
		  of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University"}
@string{rs    =	"Research Series"}
@string{ns    =	"Notes Series"}
@string{ls    =	"Lecture Series"}
@string{ds    =	"Dissertation Series"}

  author = 	 "",
  title = 	 "",
  institution =  brics,
  year = 	 2005,
  OPTkey = 	 "",
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-05-",
  address =	 daimi,
  OPTmonth = 	 "",
  note =	 "PhD thesis",
  comment =	 "Defence: , 2005",
  abstract =	 "",
  OPTlinkhtmlabs =	 "",
  OPTlinkps =	 "",
  OPTlinkpdf =	 ""

  author =	 "Morozov, Kirill",
  title =	 "On Cryptographic Primitives Based on Noisy Channels",
  institution =	 brics,
  year =	 2005,
  type =	 ds,
  number =	 "DS-05-1",
  address =	 daimi,
  month =	 mar,
  note =	 "PhD thesis. xii+102~pp",
  comment =	 "Defence: March~11, 2005",
  abstract =	 "The primitives of Oblivious Transfer (OT) and Bit
                  Commitment (BC) are fundamental in the cryptographic
                  protocol design. OT is a complete primitive for
                  secure two-party computation, while zero-knowledge
                  proofs are based on BC. In this work, the
                  implementations of OT and BC with unconditional
                  security for both parties are considered. The
                  security of these protocols does not depend on
                  unproven intractability assumptions. Instead, we
                  assume that the players are connected by noisy
                  channels. This is a very natural assumption since
                  noise is inherently present in the real
                  communication channels.\bibpar We present and prove
                  secure a protocol for OT based on a Discrete
                  Memoryless Channel (DMC) with probability transition
                  matrix of a general form. The protocol is secure for
                  any non-trivial DMC. Some generalisations to this
                  protocol for the particular case of Binary Symmetric
                  Channel (BSC) are presented and their asymptotic
                  behaviour is analysed.\bibpar The security of OT and
                  BC based on BSC is also analysed in the
                  non-asymptotic case. We derive relations for the
                  failure probabilities depending on the number of
                  channel uses establishing trade-offs between their
                  communication complexity on the one hand and the
                  security on the other hand.\bibpar We consider a
                  modification to the Universally Composable (UC)
                  framework for the case of unconditional two-party
                  protocols. We argue that this modification is valid
                  hereby preparing a ground for our results concerning
                  OT based on Unfair Noisy Channels (UNC).\bibpar In
                  contrast to the noise models mentioned above, a
                  corrupted party is given a partial control over the
                  randomness introduced by UNC. We introduce a generic
                  ``compiler'' which transforms any protocol
                  implementing OT from a passive version of UNC and
                  secure against passive cheating into a protocol that
                  uses UNC for communications and builds an OT secure
                  against active cheating. We exploit this result and
                  a new technique for transforming between the weaker
                  versions of OT in order to obtain new possibility
                  results for OT based on UNC",
  linkhtmlabs =	 "",
  linkps =	 "",
  linkpdf =	 ""